Just signed up we only have one room to offer but id like to help if i can. Has anyone else signed up?
I’ve signed up bud. I’ve 3 bedrooms spare, so I can hopefully fetch a family of 4 if needed. I’m actually really looking forward to it, I know there’s going to be tough days, but I finally feel as though I can do something (not much I know) to help. sitting from afar watching these poor people have their entire lives destroyed is heartbreaking. I know war has been going on nearly half a century in the Middle East and so on, but this one being so close to home really hits home. War, politics, and the bigwigs are ********. I’ve had enough of this world.
Good on you both for signing up. I’d love to but just not practical for us at the minute, great to see plenty have signed up though.
I do feel deeply for these poor people but since we're going off for 3 months at the beginning of April we can't do anything except donate money. Well done to anyone who does this, it speaks volumes for your humanity.
I'd love to help on this, but obviously I can't. It's heart warming that there are people willing to help though, especially given how cynical the govt have been so far. Kudos.
Credit to anyone putting someone up. We even have Matt Hancock willing to do so, if the people of Ukraine haven't been through enough.
This is really great what people are doing, but can I ask are hotels opening up? I think it should be forced on the big chains to open up a percentage of their rooms.
Credit to you both and anyone else who's signed up. I wish I could, but no spare room unfortunately. It'd be nice if you could keep us updated with it all. Obviously get your occupants indoctrinated as Reds fans ASAP.
Well done to all for signing up. Was going to kick the wife and kids out to make room but don't think it would go down well
Yes it`s the slippery slope when you force people to give up their property just because they`ve earned a few bob.
I have a Ukrainian friend whose family are stuck in Kherson, one of the first cities to be occupied by the invaders. She's in Italy where she works, so she's safe, but she's worried sick about her family. We have no spare room, but we're looking for a buy-to-let property, which we'll offer to her family should they want to come to the UK. It's the absolute least we can do.
Unfortunately I can't room wise but if there are any other ways to help when they arrive I'd love to. Will just have to be donations for now.
I have no space, but I do have some flexi tickets to Barnsley left. Should anyone house a refugee with or without children who might want to go to a Barnsley match, PM me and I'll arrange to donate the tickets.
Good on you. We discussed it as a family and as much as we wanted to, we just didn’t feel we were set up right to be able to sign up. I wouldn’t be surprised to see things gravitate around the towns and cities that have Ukrainian Centres. Huddersfield, Halifax, Doncaster and Leeds I think are the Yorkshire ones.
Having seen their resilience and bravery in Ukraine, I reckon they wouldn’t even leave early to avoid the traffic.