god knows what i ve got ( 3 neg tests since saturday night) nose pumping out snot at a great rate of knots, sinus's feel like they're going to explode, hacking cough, pi55ing for england and just aching
Sounds like man flu Trev ..best to have the isolation team on standby... get ready for no sympathy from the females in the family they don't understand it.....bye the way the next door neighbour says can he use your season ticket shame to let the seat go to waste...pmsl... Seriously ..get well soon old pal...get some whisky and hot lemonaid down you with a couple of cocodamel and sweat it out of you Take care
Sounds exactly what happened to me in Jan. After about 3 days feeling that(and a headache), I tested positive despite having negative ones before.
It will be one of two possibilities me thinks , good old flue which if you get a real dose not the female version then its like being hit with a sledge hammer or the other is that you will eventually get a positive test as you start to feel better for covid, either way I hope you pick up soon .
cheers peeps. i had something very similer early december and tested neg ( 7 tests over 14 days) but my grandson who i have after school for a couple of hours and his mum who picks him up both tested pos and had to isolate. they were ok after a week, harry even wanted to lend me his ( s.i.l.'s) X box while he was back at school so i could stay in bed and play it like he did. lot to be said for drinking 1\2 bottle of vodka whilst watching the game and getting a solid 9hrs uninterupted kip, i feel a lot better today