We’re in discussions about it. It would mean not fostering guide dogs for the duration though which is our life at the moment and would be letting down people who need assistance to help others who need assistance. Arguably, the refugees need help more but maybe others are able to help them whilst we help blind people? I think we’re going to see how the current 100,00 offers that have been received so far goes and keep an eye on the situation.
Great news that 100,000 UK households have registered their interest in taking families. Good on yer every single one Compassion and willingness to help by the general public is heartening in these desperate times
Yes still around 12k stuck in hotels, I guess not many people want to share a home with brown Muslims….
It’s very admirable that people are prepared to do this. But we have to get them here first. I’m not convinced the ‘government’ is too serious, given their reluctance to ease visa restrictions.? Hoping to be proved wrong..