What's happening with Wolfe who's out of contract in the summer? When will we become a greener club? When will catering improve?
The correct answer to this (if it were to be answered) might go some way towards me changing my mind about renewing. Although the £750K thing still looms large.
Could someone else not have gone on his behalf? https://www.barnsleyfc.co.uk/news/2022/march/forum-cancelled/
I'd like to express my annoyance at the late postponement, I'd have probably set off by now if I'd have been going, so potentially this could have been very inconvenient. Is this a sign of covid protocols becoming too lax at the club, complacency setting in or does he just need a Lemsip. Poor show.
this question clearly scared him off. Well done for ruining the evening. Ask easier questions next time
I know this is probably way too late but my biggest question is who exactly was involved with advertising season tickets with vouchers this season? Were the same people involved with the mis-selling the previous year (shirts on seats) and the mis-selling the year before (fan access zone)? And what steps have been taken to stop this person/these people from being involved with season ticket sales for next season? as a 4th season of season ticket mis-selling wouldn't be negligent it would be criminal. Literally. What involvement did Andrew have in previous years as he seems to have been given a promotion that looks highly related.
Just burnt myself on the radiator... what should i do? No point in massaging his ego, but true though, burnt missen on the lengthy rad
She's rubbish, I messaged her about something the other day and it took her nearly seven minutes to reply
We are a very green club according to the Fulham manager who whinged about the grass on our pitch being too long & needing a cut !!