I was unlucky enough to hear James Blunt on the radio recently, attempting a live rendition of "Bridge Over Troubled Water." Beyond awful.
The Bay City Rollers sucked. Not too many bands I can't find something I can appreciate though. I've got more forgiving in my old age, but my personal favourites are largely obscure.
Whatttt?! Even if you don't like Nirvana, grunge had some amazing bands emerge from it. Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam.... My era of music
I think Imagine is one of the most boring and trite songs ever written. Queen were overrated. Arctic Monkeys are unlistenable. I Beg Your Pardon by Kon Kan was the greatest song ever released in the 80's.
Honestly mate, I’ve got zero time for all those bands you mentioned. I had some of their albums, and might have liked the odd track, but I’d rather get a match day ticket to a Leeds United game than be giving a ticket to a Pearl Jam gig. In fact I should have used Pearl Jam as my example. I don’t get them at all!
I agree with others about Queen and Mr Loaf - Emperor‘a New Clothes! But I give you Elbow - what’s that about?!?!?
"My friend says he wants to die He's in a band, they sound like Pearl Jam Their clothes are all black The music is crap"
Never got the Springsteen thing and Paul Simon makes my teeth itch.. Billy Joel shudda stuck to playing in bars and preferred Prince to Jackson. Bowie.Smiths. Oasis. Roxy Music. Genesis (Not Collins solo) for me ta