I always thought alumni was just a name for a list of people who have been associated with something in particular. Like on Wikipedia, you have alumni lists for wrestling promotions (WWE/F, WCW, ECW etc) but the vast majority of its 'alumni' were trained elsewhere, etc.
He was one of a number of players from around that time, who I reckon we signed based on cool sounding name alone. See #1006 Janne Salli, or (not on the list as he never played) Fumaca.
I just googled Alumni because I thought it was something special like the Vatican Knights or something.
Good start on this. As for here and now, and as there isn't an appetite at the moment for getting a kestrel on the shirt (we'll get there), what about the stands. I can't think of anything more boring and generic than naming them after points on a compass. As the two projects you've highlighted outline, we have a rich history in terms of players. We have the traditional name for the stands too. Over the last 30 years we've ignored more and more of our tradition and our history, let's bring it back. The Ponte End, The Tiverton Preedy Stand, The Ronnie Glavin Stand, whatever, I don't care what people pick so long as they're ours and not this vanilla that we tried to make ourselves, that you're now addressing.
Nice work. If I bring #879 to the Reading game, will there be red carpet and more importantly, is there a pint in it for me? And food?
The stands should all be named after a legend of the club, I completely agree. Even if they're sponsored, they should still have a legendary name attached. I hate that they're the North, East, South and West. I really do. I hate that we come out by the away end too. I hate the crest. I hate that after 135 years we - as a fanbase - have no chants/songs that are unique to us. And I hate the Tories.
Salli was signed because he was a brilliant player. Terribly sad he never got the career his talent deserved.
No. Not at this late stage I'm afraid, it's sold out in Legends. But you can get me Mr Duggan's phone number and email address so I can add him to our Alumni database.
How about if every shirt sold had the name of one of those alumni printed on it. Starting with number one and working through. It would be nice to think that over a hundred years later in some cases some of our earlier players were remembered in some tangible way.
73. Squire White. Sat in a wicker chair in the centre circle sipping Lapsang Souchong whilst ordering peasants 74. Newton and 75. Stenton (both too poor to be able to afford first names) to make tackles, get him the ball and fetch him drinks. This languid style later inspired the play of 946 Jan Molby.
Not on replica shirts though please. I'm fuucked if my offspring is remembering the play of Craig Rocastle.
I'll be honest, I don't recall his time at Oakwell, and without googling, I didn't realise he'd had a career ending injury whilst with us. Therefore I apologise for my flippant comment.
Well I was meaning replica shirts but maybe some sort of right of refusal could be employed? Or maybe Deon Burton shirts could be sold with a bit of sticking plaster thrown in for free?