Was skiing in France last week just as the French went all British and dropped most measures like masks etc Not sure cramming into a teleferique ( cable car) with 60 others is that safe though its more likely I got it in the hotel Mrs F started Coughing a lot during Saturday night so took a test Sunday morning and it went positive almost straight away. I took one as well and showed a faint line too. Fortunately we had driven via the tunnel so were able to drive home rather than be stuck in isolation in a hotel in France which we would have had to do if we had flown. We were able to avoid any contact with others stopping only for a couple of comfort breaks at the outdoor picnic areas, Lost a days skiing and the chance to shop for cheese and wine. Now Isolating at home and looks like I will miss the critical Reading game unless I test clear on Thursday and Friday. Feeling a bit sorry for myself but so far only a bad cough and cold and lacking in energy - no temperature and feeling better than yesterday. I work from home so taking it easy today and wont do a full days work
Covid will be around forever in some form, so governments around the world will never be able to please everyone with whenever they decide to drop all restrictions. As long as people are respectful of others if they decide different to themselves it's OK. If someone doesn't want to wear a mask that is their choice to make. If someone wants to be in the minority still wearing them then that's their choice too.
Dont agree with you on the Mask in England I can now legally go to a crowded pub football, match, shopping centre and not bother with a mask even though I am covid positive. I am not going to and keep isolated until I test clear not sure why its left to personal choice though there are good reasons for still requiring isolation (and mask wearing in crowded poorly ventilated areas) giving the OK to a load of selfish people to go around infecting others doesnt seem right to me
Absolutely this. Vulnerable people will continue wearing masks but they’re frankly not much use if the idiot next to you in the cinema is not wearing one and freely spreading a disease he knows he has.
Now the government has effectively downgraded the illness. People will be selfish. You can work with it and don't have to isolate. Unfortunately testing positive for Covid doesn't go down on the list of illnesses that HR turn a blind eye to anymore. This places people in an emotional dilemma. Phone in sick, self isolate and save lives or go to work with a light cough and keep your job.
Firstly before anyone jumps in I want to be very clear that anyone knowingly leaving their house when testing positive and mingling with others is an utter **** in my eyes. Despite that, there comes a point where Covid has to have parity in the way we approach it like flu does. Flu kills people and yet we have no restrictions on anyone with it having to isolate. We can't have one rule for one and one for another now the vaccinations are readily available. So we either adapt the law to make it illegal for anyone with an infectious or potentially fatal disease or virus to leave the house until testing negative or we keep it as it is. As stated right at the start, anyone infectious should absolutely staying at home and doing their bit to protect others. The question is whether it is necessary to make it a legal requirement or not. I would argue it doesn't and those people out and about with it would do so regardless anyway, knowing the chances of proving it/ bringing it to court is low. ps Get well soon!
There will be people who have little choice, if their employer now views Covid in the same way as any other absence. So there will be people being forced into going to work, because they can't afford not to.
That isn't necessarily the law that needs changing though, it is employers' attitudes towards sickness. They need to accommodate it and look at the bigger picture. Person A may have just cold symptoms but Person B may be floored by it, and so on, resulting in lots of people off. You could say the same for many illnesses. You wouldn't want someone with norovirus or flu rocking up to work either.
Legislation needs to back up employee's in that case. It isn't enough for attitude's to change. They won't without legislation. It's easier to pay someone else to do the job.