No need to apologise mate, just saying I think they are many more ‘deserving’ cases in your scenario than him
10 mins of info spread over haif hour show, good info for some I just record and fast forward through the dross until summat that`s relevant to me comes up to see if I can learn owt new.
But dross to you may well be very useful info/advice to someone else. The MSE website is packed with all sorts of info and offers, some of which are exclusive to that site
Exactly am sure everyone takes from it what they want but not everyone is covered by it all and there is a lot of repetitiveness in the shows as well so it becomes dross to me.
I know one thing for sure. If every punch I’ve stopped over the years was was like Will Smiths,,, I’d be a lot better looking than I am!
what you on about its only fun, lighten up, if getting slapped was the most violent act in the world ,it would be a great place, what is the point in the BBS when its full of stuffed shirts with no sense of fun
The front bench of the Tory party. Some with faces that want a slap. Jacob Rees Mogg and Michael Gove.
When he's on the phone ins it's often obvious to me but potentially not to everyone as many people are on bad deals ect. His website is excellent and the credit check section is free and a useful tool. I have saved money through reading some of the info on the site and last month was able to fix my gas and elec on a (in the current market) decent deal after seeing one of his tweets. He also gives lots of the money he has earned back to charities and often holds politicians to account. His battle against scam advertising certainly deserves more coverage. Seems like a very caring and genuine person. Seems like a very odd person to have a dislike of. To answer the question of who else I'll go with Piers Morgan
Joe Swash. Apparently, he appeared on Eastenders (a programme we've never watched) a few years ago for a short time. However, he now appears to have made a career of 'guest starring' on every popular show available, with his unique style of being extremely loud, totally unfunny & unintelligent to the nth degree. Usually, I keep my intense dislike for politicians like Johnson, Patel, Truss, Rees-Mogg, Farage and Trump, for example. However, I make a break from the norm for Swash!
The entire Tory party but instead of a slap He'd have to be armed with a piece of 3x2 with nails sticking out of it to achieve the desired affect.