I once asked a bloke in Austria what he did for a living. He replied saying he was a cleavage observer.
Not someone on here, but a mate of mine once quit his call centre job, and cycled all the way to Norway to take up a job looking after a lighthouse for 3 months.
I also did that job, at Derbyshire chilled foods in Worksop. I was on the chicken salad sandwich line, responsible for the cucumber. Top right hand corner of the bread, hundreds of times an hour, freezing conditions, not allowed to sit down, fingers numb from cold. I then got a better job at Thorne Poultry, scraping chicken feet and entrails out of the offal harvester, and cleaning the blood from the collecting tanks after the chickens had their throats cut. I can still remember the coppery stench of that place
I don’t know why but ‘responsible for the cucumber’ made me laugh. I don’t think I’ve ever taken the time when eating a prepackaged sandwich (something I do extremely rarely to be honest) to fully appreciate each item’s placement within the sandwich and the boredom of the person who placed it there.
I'm the quality control officer at Unit 8 massage parlour where it's my job to test the skills of the new girls. It's £45000 per annum at the moment, and job will soon be available as I'm leaving soon. It's got to the point where I just can't afford £45k anymore!
I remember when Donny Airport first opened and a colleague, of mine, applied for a job there of ‘Bird Scarer’. This basically was parking up on the runway in a 4x4 and when a plane was due in, you had to hurtle up and down the runway blasting a loud horn to scare any birds off before the plane landed.
When I was a student I did a series of temping jobs over one of the summers and one of them was at the Asda factory on the Wakefield 41 industrial estate putting the tomatoes on the pizzas. The very definition of a brain dead job. I lasted 2 weeks. My bit was interesting compared to the bloke at the end of the line. His job was to slap the sticker on when it fell out of the cellophane wrapping machine. And he'd been doing it for years. The job was so boring you got so many breaks to relieve the boredom that I ended up bored of taking breaks.
I know a bloke who's a hostage negotiator mainly on ships that are hijacked he gets dropped of by helicopter, pretty cool and scary.