This actually happened to me a few years ago, had to have a meeting on return & it literally felt like they were telling me off for being Ill! It was like being back at school!
It's what we've done for thousands of years isn't it? People, including many on the bbs (unless we are different to the rest of society), have been going around infecting others with flu forever. It has resulted in millions of deaths in this country alone and yet we've never really judged anyone if they haven't isolated themselves after catching it. I've never once heard anyone call for legal mandates but isn't it just as selfish?
We should now know better though shouldn't we. It's sick that we are willing to go back to a situation where thousands of people die every year, when it's in our power to reduce those deaths. It should be mandatory for anyone with COVID or flu to stay at home, supported by sick pay and their absences disregarded. A test should be developed to identify flu as well, to prove that the absences are genuine and both tests should be free of charge. I don't care what it costs, we waste so much money on things that don't matter.
I'd agree with that but I'd say the government should pay that sick pay as a lot of companies can't afford it
So under new guidence as long as I dont have a temperature I am fine to go out after 5 days after symptoms start Its 7 days since I first felt a bit fatigued and 5 days since I tested positive. I am not supposed to test myself again now but I did and am still testing positive with a good solid line on the lateral flow test I dont feel too bad Not 100% by any means but -its just like a fairly normal cold If I follow government advice I go to my Dad tomorrow sit in a car with him and whilst we go to the match - we could even take in a pre match pint in a pub near the ground like the Mount or more likely the Dove. Obviously I wont be wearing a mask to protect others even though because I took a test I shouldnt have I know I am still infectious As no one is testing anymore thats OK as we wont know if I infect anyone - unless they finish up in hospital like thousands are doing every week I wont be doing this of course but what sort of government gives this advice to the population ps @JamDrop how are you are you feeling better yet?
It's almost as if we have a Government that doesn't care about it's citizens. Hope you're feeling 100% soon.
I don't need government advice to know what's right, I'm responsible for my own actions. I've had Covid twice and didn't leave the house on either occasion for 2 weeks. Probably overkill but I didn't want to infect anyone else and I didn't absolutely have to. I also had a heavy cold in December and didn't leave the house for a week then either. I realise I'm in a very fortunate position in that I can work from home if I want/have to, and that many people simply could not do what I did. But we are all capable of taking personal responsibility and making our own decisions. Would I pick my dad up and go to the match if I was in your position? No, I wouldn't. But nor will I judge you if you do. You can decide for yourself what you feel is right and you don't need telling what you can and can't do. Let's not complain that we're not being ordered about.
Actually my complaint is about the fact that the government advice is stupid and basically tells people to not test to find out if they have a highly transmissable and sometimes fatal disease and so be able to make sensible decisions to prevent the spread to the vulnerable. To me thats irresponsible from the government and to pretend the disease is over when it clearly isn't makes me just a little angry
You don't need Government advice, but you will need some spare cash to take a test if you want to. And as you say, you're in a fortunate position to be able to work from home. Many aren't. Free tests and a proper level of SSP would be a start. Particularly given the current cost of living crisis.
I took a test this morning too (school told me to test on day 5 and then every day after until day 10. If I get two negative tests between now and day 10 I should return back to work but otherwise continue to isolate. My LFT showed a solid red line in T whilst the liquid was still creeping on its way up whereas the C didn't show until it got to the top. The line is much darker than Monday when I first tested positive. Yesterday was the first day that I started to feel a bit more like normal, definitely brighter. My skin has stopped being sensitive but my nose is still burning inside and I've now developed an infrequent cough which is annoying as I thought I was getting away without one. Nothing too onerous but there's no way I would be going out anywhere. Will is still testing negative so we're still avoiding each other. Edit: scrap that. School just this second phoned up to say guidance has changed and we now no longer need 2 negative tests and I need to go to school on Monday unless I am too unwell. They also said I would need a sick note from the doctor to do that as I've already been off for 5 days. So now as I'm not ill enough for a doctor's note I have to go into work infectious and there's nothing I can do about it.
First Glad you are improving hope you continue over the weekend Second your last paragraph perfectly outlines the point I was trying to make a few lines earlier about the batsh!t crazy way the government is handling this. I am almost lost for words at the stupidity of forcing people who know they are infectious to go and work in close contact with others. Its criminal @Jay This makes the point I was trying to make much better than I did in my earlier post you seemed to disagree with.
The best bit is, we are crazily short staffed (which is why they're trying to bring us back in I imagine) but if more people get it and are ill then they are going to have even more staff off. I think they're banking on people getting it but still feeling well enough to work so there'll be more Covid but less absences. At least I have two more days before school reopens so I will hopefully be less infectious by Monday. I'm going to shut the 6th form area off and just sit down there by myself with all the windows open.
Covid just now become like every other illness people are "forced" to go to work with or be off sick. I think a bigger change is needed in employer attitudes towards illness.
Did you need the government to ban you from leaving the house when you've had cold or flu in the past? Remember flu kills thousands every year. The issue is that employers expect people to attend work when they aren't fit. That isn't unique to covid, it's the same with everything.
Not had a day off sick in over 10 years until I got Covid last year. That’s not to say I e not felt ill and not gone in to work…, Had time off for Covid last year, but wouldn’t have had the full 10 days if it hadnt been mandatory.., or Covid related.
You are right about the issue being the Victorian attitudes of some employees but actually telling people not to test when there is a very good cheap test available and giving employers the power to force infectious people in like Jam Drop above is not good at all
I suppose employers would say they aren't forcing anyone in you just need to be off sick. Covid needs to be treated like any other illness with regard time off work, it's the the general attitudes that need to change.
If it's treated like any other illness, no-one will dare be off work with it. That's the problem. Sickness monitoring in workplaces is ridiculous these days.
I agree wholeheartedly with that. The answer though isn't to treat Covid differently it's to treat illness from work differently. Sadly that isn't a fast process given we now live in a demagoguery of political opportunists and work place laws are moving further away from having the workers rights at heart.