I reckon my first game was somewhere around Wayne Biggins - Dave Watson. 925 ish. The earliest I remember going to was Watford at home November 92, but apparently that wasn't my first game.
Remind me again why MARCIANO BRUMA was also (VAN HOMOET)? I wonder if any of those players came on a sub, and never got a touch of the ball never to play for us again.
Earliest name for me is Bob Shotton but as a member of the coaching staff. Earliest player on the list is Harry Hough with his green woolen polo neck jumper and his cheese cutter (flat cap).
Wasn't it something to do with wanting a certain name (possibly linked to one of his parents), but had to use his legal name...
My dad took me to matches in the mid 60s but I have no memory of the players. I lost interest in the 70s with music and university taking up most of my time. Until the arrival of Clarkie in 1978. So mine would have to be the earliest one in the team against Halifax so it has to be Ally Millar - unless you count Stuart Barrowclough (saw him in his second spell).
Ron Smillie 607. Bit unfair as he earned that number in his first stint at the club but I first saw him when he rejoined a couple of years later. So, Frank Bartlett at 619.
Yep, I can remember them 2 playing you must be in your 70is like me but the old memory box has gone a bit.
Where's the Video? Is there a link to it anywhere please. Didn't make it Saturday so would love to see who was presented to the crowd.
779 for me. Pretty telling the churn since Mitch Ward in 2000. 1000 in 100+ years and a third of that in 20 years. Very rough numbers.
804 Allan Clarke. There's a few before that I saw play, but it's only because of the England legend becoming player/manager that changed my life forever.
Some good memories there. 662 George Kerr was one of my favourites. Old fashioned inside forward. 668 Tommy Ring. Think he had one leg shorter than the other and seemed to gallop when he ran. 664 Steve Mokone. Tricky player but got continuously fouled. After one bad foul in front of the dugout he stood up and kicked one of their players on the ankle. How he didn't get sent off I'll never know. Story at the time was that he was found pissed up that evening in the middle of Dodworth crossroads.
I know we're talking recent history, but I'd love to see number 936 back. Martin Bullock, one of my all time favourites.