I think God and the Devil exist in each and every one of us. I think everyone has a propensity to be both good and evil depending upon their environment and up bringing. Likewise everyone knows wright from wrong.
The devil / hell is a state of mind as is God / heaven. When somebody does something good, folk think they are good, therefore a follower of God / closer to heaven, because in their mind, that is the side they see them veering towards. When somebody does something bad, folk think they are naughty, therefore devilish or going to hell, because in their mind, that is the side they see them veering towards. Then someone decided on religion, and the waters muddied even more. Followers of any given faith believed they were on the heavenly side of things. Anyone else was going on the downbound elevator. And thus conflict was invented. And reasons for. Here endeth the lesson.
No, though as a aside if you read the Bible it's God I would be more worried about. Racism, sexism and genocidal levels of murder.
Most people will go to hell judging by the commandments. I'm f cuked because I've blasphemed, lusted, masturbated, killed (insects). I've gloated and been greedy too. Hell must be a crowded place.
I agree with you Mr Dawson. Or good and evil exist in all of us. The ultimate expression of evil is personified as the Devil, and the ultimate good personified as God. No human being can reach these extremes although Putin is having a very good go.