The sentiment is nice but I don't think religion and God's are much of a example for ultimate good. Far more progress has been made through secular society in terms of morality.
I find it doubtful that if a omnipresent master of the universe did exist that they would care at all about what one species of Apes does on one particular planet for one tiny fraction of time. While within our own society the definition of good and Evil is often clear, on a grand cosmic scale its essentially meaningless.
As an aside a Great White Shark and Black Widow Spider aren't evil because they don't have a conscious being. Whereas a Dolphin can be evil because it has a conscience.
I'm not saying religion and its various gods have done a fantastic job. However looking at news headlines I can't see much progress in terms of morality in secular society at the moment.
It's good that you think that as we strive for even better. Go back 100 years and see how much progress has been made.
But if he is omnipresent, and he has deemed that one particular species of Ape is his chosen vessel, maybe he is pushing for a time where we all get the message and evolve enough to implement it? Although there doesn't seem much by way of evolution at present, granted.
Yes, admittedly not worldwide but certainly progress. In the UK 100 years ago Women didn't have the same rights to vote as men for example. It was illegal to be in a same sex relationship. Racism was readily accepted. This isn't to say we have solved any of those issues but progress has clearly been made, moreover the progress that has been made is at odds with the teachings of Christianity the prominent religion of the country. Any progress that has been made is in spite of religion no because of it.