Nothing to do with being closer to the club at all mate. I don’t hear anything on that front and get far more from a friend of mine who scouts for a South Yorkshire rival. We know, if you believe the press, that we turned down the Styles offer. We didn’t cash in on Mowatt. Helik is still here. Clubs wouldn’t pay the £2m plus we wanted for Woodrow. And only Jacob Brown and Chaplin have been sold in recent times. We also had Dane publicly saying that we held the cards on transfer and clubs would need to meet what we wanted rather than the other way around. Obviously Covid crashed the transfer market, but I still think we could have moved players on at a profit to what we paid for them if we had chosen to.
Considering he was pretty damn clear in denying that the west stand was closed due to stewarding and then completely backtracked on that months later and admitted it WAS I guess it's no surprise people think he's a lying *******. Both these statements refer to the whether or not redeployment of stewards to the away end was a factor in the west stand closure. Andrew Clark; October 2021: *note: Khaled was in the room with him and didn't correct him* "We must stress, this is not a factor in its closure whatsoever" Khaled El-Ahmed; October 2021: "It is nothing to do with money" Khaled El-Ahmed; January 2022: "it also had to do with reallocation of stewarding to make sure we had the right amount of stewards"
I'm not sure I would believe anything in the press regarding this. Most of the stuff is planted by agents trying to up the ante. Interesting take on the Mowatt situation, because I'm convinced (as are others) that he deliberately ran his contract down in order to inflate his eventual payday when he left (which seemed to work out pretty well). Helik is still here-do you know for a fact that bids were received? Or that there is actually any substance in the Woodrow story? If you do, and it's not because you are close to the club, then this scout of yours must know a hell of a lot about goings-on at BFC!
That's where I disagree. It wasn't a perfectly valid statement as far as I'm concerned. Players in a successful winning team playing any style of football will always be worth more than those playing losing football in pretty, passing patterns at the bottom of the Championship. There's not a single regular member of last season's squad who's worth more now than then. I'd even include Collins within that as we've now pretty much stopped him playing as a sweeper keeper, which is where he excelled last season to become our undisputed first choice.
sums it up for me more eloquently than I could manage. The issue with the West Stand was pretty unforgivable as were the half truths that surrounded it. For me it brought home how sad and in need of love Oakwell is. I don’t see that love or money coming from this lot. Standards of customer service throughout Oakwell I wouldn’t tolerate at any other entertainment establishment. Queuing 20 minutes to be told there is no hot water by sone disinterested kid paid buttons. The ‘fan park’ a massive step down even from sitting in the Conference room or whatever it was cold. A freezing corner of a car park with no seating that’s good enough for us. Well actually no it’s not. The style of football also pretty relevant. Post Lockdown a lot of us are evaluating how we spend our money especially now with the Brexit induced cost of living crisis. There are hundreds of choices for how I can be entertained in my leisure time and a Poya led side is pretty low on the list. Mini rant over.
But the plan wasn’t to be a bottom of the Championship team was it. That’s not what anybody at the club wanted, despite what some might say. So in our own minds as a football club we weren’t presented with only those two options. Hence, all roads lead back to the Summer. The comment is valid but our actions setting ourselves up for this season weren’t.
People focus on it because he clearly told the truth. Their were no language issues though he was more truthful than you would expect and language might impact that. The strategy was clear abandon a successful system to improve financial opportunities. This ignored a depressed market due to lockdowns and basic common sense. We have succeeded only in slashing the value of the players we were trying to flog. For me the point at which we became a club were sporting achievement Is not the prime objective became the time to stop. I’m glad that Khalid was honest. It made my decision going forward easy.
I think there’s still a language challenge because I don’t think someone with more experience in the role, and in the game in this country, would be that blunt. But that’s the challenge for anyone speaking a second language in terms of landing tone and detail. Players are worth more money if they show they are comfortable on the ball. That’s a fact. I never expected whoever followed Val to be a carbon copy as I’ve never seen anyone set up a team to play that way, so expected a shift to something more akin to Struber or Stendel. What we got was Schopp followed by Poya. Truly bizarre and more annoying than one comment in an interview that if you dig in to is harsh to hear but pretty accurate.
As I said made my decision pretty straightforward so I’m grateful to him really. I have no desire to financially support a club where winning games is a very distant second to making money. Not questioning selling players it comes it goes but some decisions have to be made on purely sporting terms to get purely sporting advantage and we don’t do that. I guess the next few seasons will show how many others this approach alienates. I suspect a fair few.
The plan was to dismantle the elements of a season that went above all expectations in the pursuit of increasing squad value, and which seemingly failed to understand that the results the team achieves as a whole has any relevance on this. Regardless of what they intended to achieve with the plan, their logic would still hold true now if there was any merit to the argument underpinning it. We've (allegedly) showcased players for a whole season in the preferred style of play so, logically, they should still have increased in value as a result. The fundamental issue is that the plan was dogshit, and we've ultimately sacrificed our place in the Championship by pursuing it, and without any of the supposed benefits materialising.
You’re possibly right. But I would say to counter some of that, which I don’t disagree with in the main, that we’ve chosen not to have a conveyor belt of players leaving in the last three years. Isn’t that something to do with sporting terms vs. solely financial?
So you’re basically agreeing with me then and also pointing at the road that leads back to Paul Conway? I don’t think that was the plan by the way. Not at all.
Entirely to do with the depressed post covid market. And some very poor recruitment decisions. The only ones I can see would be The Dike loan and possibly the Quina loan both players we could not hope to sign whatever the lies going round at the time.
Can all the people who are not renewing, who constantly moan and slag our coach and players off not renew for the BBS aswell please next season. That was a wind up post before anybody before anybody goes off on one.
Again, possibly. But there was interest in our players. Just no offers because we priced them out and Dane’s words pre-departure range true through the Summer. It’s the only thing Paul Conway got right and I’m not sure he had that much to do with it (to your point re: Covid)
You keep saying that Loko. Have you ever considered that there is little of value on the said conveyor belt? What has definitely been the case is that the inward conveyor has delivered a plethora of players who are either plying their trade elsewhere on loan, or mouldering in the U23’s. The ‘failure cost’ is incredible.