TBF, an unborn child hasn't committed crimes. Just saying. And I'm against the death penalty btw. But that thought is being severely tested.
Tbf an embryo isn't a child. I find the interaction between beliefs on these points interesting, with there being 4 options: Abortion legal, death penalty for certain crimes Abortion legal, no death penalty Abortion illegal, death penalty for certain crimes Abortion illegal, no death penalty. I am obviously option 2 and find option 3 so utterly nonsensical that I will never understand how anyone can hold it.
I was sort of getting at the lack of support in all areas, health, financially ect especially in the US.
You can hold any position if you have a certain religious book to fall back on which will support somewhere within it pretty much any outrageous, fantastical theory you can dream up.
Even more interesting is how scriptures written thousands of years ago are twisted to support any of these things. Old Testament Christian god - disapproved of homosexuality and murder, no problem with incest, rape or slavery. New Testament, same god, v quiet about homosexuals, big downer about capitalism and rich people though, and big on just ‘being nice’. It’s amazing how various churches pick and choose which bits to find important. I’m also baffled how a country founded on the principle of keeping religion out of government has turned into an almost fundamentally religious one. The power of the church eh? OTOH we live in a country where the church and state are intertwined by design but in reality you’d never notice.
Voter turn out in this country is often very poor and People have very limited knowledge of politics, look what that has left us with in office. Allowing Relgion to unchecked leads to all sorts of issues, a list too long to go into, let's go with the aexual exploitation of children for starters. So I take the point the old saying about don't discuss religion and politics makes sense on some levels but really I think we need more light shinning into these areas in our society.
An embryo becomes a fetus. A fetus can feel pain at twenty weeks. Abortion is allowed in some states in the USA up to 24 weeks in the us. I am at point 2 also. But on occasion point 1. There were a lot of innocent people sent to the death chamber. Which is why I am still at point 2. But with the advances in scientific evidence. And Some crimes being so abhorrent. I wrestle with my conscience.
Abortion has just been made entirely illegal in Oklahoma. And I'm yet to hear a good argument for the death penalty, there isn't anything in its favour that stands up to any sensible scrutiny.
Personally, if I'd gone out and killed someone or did something equally horrific which meant I wouldn't be freed again, then I would take the death penalty over prison every single time.
I am not certain that nothing exists, although I am certain that the tribal war god of the bible and qu'oran do not and cannot exist. If people are so sure in their belief, ie it is not just, as Daniel Dennet puts it as "belief in belief", then present clear and unequivocal evidence that the entity/being/deity really exists. Although I won't hold my breath because no one has done so for 2000 years. And I don't even know what that evidence would look like!!