Just interested. There seems to be people under the impression it is due to the results more than anything else, maybe this will prove otherwise? If I'm missing a major reason more than happy to add them in.
Other. Undecided as yet. We've got good seats - central upper tier. The only reason to renew would be so as not to lose those seats. But we'll certainly go to less games next year, so will probably not renew.
B with a sprinkling of A. I've voted B though, cos that's the primary reason. Quality of play isn't a deciding factor - if it was, I'd have given up years ago!
It's not just being able to not afford it. I'm sure if I wanted to make sacrifices elsewhere I could definitely afford it. It's whether I feel making those sacrifices will be reflected in the direction the club is going. It's about value for money or should I say value for financial sacrifice. I may well end up going to a number of games, but they will be on my terms, not because I've scrimped on other things to buy a couple of season tickets and then felt obliged to go.
B. Even with the distance, the early starts and long days, I am lucky that finance isn't an issue. Quality of football has always varied. One reason for me, pure n simple . B, B and thrice, B.
A few factors including: Kids being elsewhere so no one to go with. Finding more worthwhile interests during lockdown. But the over riding feeling is I’m unhappy with the way the club is being run, by the owners, particularly that BFC is just one of a few ventures for owners who consistently appear not to care. I do feel bad for the many fantastic members of staff at the club - but it’s not something I want to afford currently. It has absolutely nothing to do with results/ what division we are in. I have dealt with that many times.
There should probably be an option there for ‘results and performances’. I get what people are saying about the owners, but if we were top of the league with the same $hit owners, I just don’t think we’d be seeing anything like the this response
Ive gone with the quality of football, no one minded the owners when Stendel was dishing up entertainment in L1. What we've been subjected to this year, regardless of the off field shenanigans, has been by and large absolute unmitigated bilge that you could improve on by using a set of dice to pick the team and tactics.
E. For various reasons. I'm speaking on behalf of a friend who doesn't use the BBS. It's a combination an apathy for modern football. Preferred spending coin on away matches. Doesn't now really enjoy visits to Oakwell. The owners and results so I suppose A to Zee as the Yanks would say.
They were still a reasonably unknown quantity back then, and though you are right it was shielded by blinding performances on the field, they have since been found out, big time.
Sadly, it’s option e for me, but even if we weren’t relocating to Italy, then option b would be my answer.
They’d only just got started when Stendel was here. They appear to have immatured like a fine Liebfraumilch.
The signs have always been there to be honest, right from the very start. But they've become more and more obvious as time has progressed.