I was massively opposed to having a water meter but our new house had one fitted and you can't ever go back to rates if a previous owner had one. It does make me really twitchy about wasting water but it's definitely cheaper with one. I can't find anywhere that says exactly how much it would be otherwise but we're in band C (I think rates are linked to bands?) and our water bill was £218.50 for the year.
I'm pretty sure smart meters were introduced so companies didn't have to employ people to read the meters. Must save them a fortune when you think about it.
Agree. We had one fitted and it halved our water bill. Same as you I was nervous about turning on a tap but well worth it.
Getting a water meter was the best thing i ever did ,went from £57 a month to £ 19 ( and i use it. 8 years later and its still only £26.
We live in a flat and wash every day and shower everyday so it's not like we use it,and kettles never off lol.
We were told we HAD TO have a smart meter,I've never plugged it in and refuse to,i don't need one of them to keep a check on what we are using. They went to my Mother I laws and because it was in a difficult place they said she didn't have to have one.
While you were out we popped round and did our ironing, a bit of tumble drying, made some toast in that rather fetching toaster, sat in front of the three bar heater whilst watching dvds on your big tv. Not bad for 8 quid I would have thought. Stop moaning.