You'd hope he'd do his own due diligence. He could easily have contacted Gauthier or Murphy for first hand experience of what he might face. He's also moved from a role that was behind the scenes and excessively resourced to one that is in the full public glare, largely locally, but depending on instances, potentially on a national or international level. I've no issue with him backing himself, or that there was an undoubted skills and experience gap on day one of him joining. But you have to be honest and look at what you need. Either in resource, the people you have at your disposal, and the skills you have to give. everyone has the capacity to learn. Not everyone has the capacity to implement those learnings.
The questions will be brutal but as usual he won't have any answers, which is why I think these events are pointless and nothing but a PR stunt. We need the organ grinder fronting up, not his monkey.
Because you have little idea how to answer questions we want answers to, what are the chances you could get someone with a stake in the club to answer fan questions?
Agreed but given the fact that Conway etc are too craven/disinterested to show their face Khaled needs to be skewered in their stead. This is a direct opportunity to publicly hold their feet to the flame and it shouldn't be wasted. The Board need to be left in absolutely no doubt of the feelings of the fans.
One question, After the complete **** up of a season both on and off the field under your watch why the **** are you still here.
1. You say that the coaching positions are under review. Who will ultimately be responsible for making the call on whether to make a change. And if we do, who will be ultimately be responsible for selecting a replacement. 2. When was your last conversation with the council about Oakwell? When is the next one? You said that you wanted a permanent fan zone building. What needs to happen for that, what is the next step? 3. Have the Crynes expressed a view to you about what developments should be made at Oakwell, as the group of have a stake in both the stadium and the club? 4. Has the EFL loan been repaid? Have any other loans been taken out since the last accounts were submitted?
I suppose he has to be subjected to the questions if the owners continue to be unwilling to speak to the fans. The alternative is to just sit back and say nothing. Agree he probably didn't realise what he was walking into, but he has to look to his employer's on that front.
Do you have contact with the Crynes or any of the other apparently ‘silent’ partners in the ownership group ? Has there been problems for you as CEO in dealing with the Ownership Group given their falling out with each other ?
Considering the problems you have faced and the short time you've been here do you feel you've been harshly treated by some quarters.
He's been left to face the flack as he's the only public face of the ownership, the actual owners being a bunch of faceless cowards. I wouldn't worry too much about him though, he gets very well paid to face difficult situations. Like a politician he'll have all his answers (evasive comments) lined up and I'm sure he'll have an exit strategy when needed.
Anticipating that his response to some questions will be to again reference "everything will be reviewed at the end of the season", I'd like to ask him: "Do you feel that an appropriate level of importance and urgency has been spent trying to resolve the issues that fans have been discussing and raising repeatedly since you have been here?" AND "If you had the luxury of starting in the role all over again, would you do anything differently?"
Unfortunately thats what you get when you have overseas owners.Now Khaleds here he's got to unravel the problems and fix them.
1) If they sold Oakwell and surrounding areas (prime) and built an edge-of-town stadium with sponsorship / naming rights thrown in, would they make a massive profit? 2) Does the fact the owners can't seem to get their grubby mitts on the sacred ground render Q1 invalid? And does it explain why they have thrown their toys out of the pram, become disinterested, invisible and started looking at more and more European clubs where there might be a slight chance of actually making a fast buck?
His page has been quietly removed..... But yes he's gone.....
Have the players statistics improved this season to make them more saleable assets, or will any sale arise at cut prices because we are desperate to fill the hole in our finances that relegation brings.