Think he posted about his Dog's birthday last week? Football-wise he is probably as antipathetic as the rest of us.
I am fine, But over thae last 2 weeks our eldest dog developed a tumour on his paw. Not malignant but we were advized to have it removed. At 15 years old it's a risk for a dog of that age to go under anaesthetics . He came through ok but had to have toe amputated. He is recovering well and the vet's are happy with his recovery rate. however it has been a very worrying time. As for BFC like many others I have lost interest, there are far more important things in life and the last couple of weeks or so has totally spelled that out to us.
top or bottom of league, our dogs are like our children when it comes to worrying hope he recovers and not in too much discomfort
Fergus is recovering well and the vets are very pleased with his progress. He will go back this friday and they seem confident they will be able to sign him off frther treatment. Thankyou all for your concern and good wishes. It's appreciated.