It's the PNE annual gentry away day and they usually don't behave I think from memory, so trouble is probably expected based on previous experience. We shouldn't have to move an home game based on away fans behaviour though.
Big problem is. BFC do not have to pay for policing the town. I don't know if police can shift a ko time by right or it has to be agreed. ?
It's one thing I still don't understand. We seem to have less police at our fixtures than other teams I've noticed on our travels, but seem to face more restrictions. I understand that we are near the town centre and travel interchange and that makes a difference. I'd love to know how the discussions actually go with SYP.
As I understand it Helen. The club pay for policing in the ground. SYP outside of the ground. Easiest way to to cut down on costs is to try reduce numbers entering the town. Especially as the Gentry day attracts the nutters.
They think they run the country. There is only police presence on derby days except for the ones on the cameras. No history of trouble as i know of between us and preston plus its their rememrance day so why would there be trouble and then BFC have to pay the police thousands every season. Correct me if i am wrong but don't the police get paid whatever they are doing. So why should clubs have to pay unless the club specifies they want police presence
South Yorkshire police deny it's their decision and say it's a mutual decision made by all groups. Hmm I am glad the stupidity of it all has been talked about. We shouldn't have ever been playing it as a early kick off and the police presence in the stadium was a waste of money.
That police response is outrageous though. They are seriously telling us it takes them more than 18 hours to give their reasons for moving the kick off to 12:30. They must already know why they moved it as they had to have a reason beforehand all they need to do is tell us the logic behind moving it - thats not 18 hours work The cynic might suggest their reasons dont stand up to any sort of scrutiny and so they dont want to give them and look even more ridiculous than they already do
I've tried to look back. Can't find it. How many of our 23 home games actually kicked off at 3pm on a Saturday? R lass lost approx 30-40k in takings due to fixture taking over the season due to police/Sky/others. And it won't just be her business. Sarnie shops, transport, club etc.