I think it's grim we have to deter people who could fill some of the huge gaps in our collective workforce that were lost because of Brexit. And given the issues in the bread basket of Europe, every person who can contribute to generating food in this country, the better. If you've followed the vile Patels efforts, she's tried numerous things to "deter" people coming to the UK. Working closely with France as an ally not an enemy could have been a good start, but given we chose to go toe to toe with them, thats not panned out very well and the gangs exploiting desperate people are still prevalent. She's put numerous ideas into the public domain. Wave machines to "turn them back"... or risk drowning them. That was a bit unlawful, so that got shelved. Ascension Island was an idea, but that fell flat. Then she ran with that idea and got turned down by numerous African nations. So they considered off sea "processing centres".... I mean let alone the connotation of "processing" people and just how dangerous that phraseology is, the consideration to hold people in huge boats or floating shanty towns just seems inhuman. Which leaves us with Rwanda who will undoubtedly be getting some kickback for taking refugees and asylum seekers and seemingly the only country to accept our offer to try and put this issue out of mind, until it's needed again as distraction for the next tory scandal.
Just to clarify I wasn't arguing with you or trying to start an argument with you. Nor did I have any problem with your post or you speculating why they'd done this. I was just adding my voice to the many that will be saying this is a very wrong and very bad thing to do. And I tend to make such points by being sarcy. But it wasn't aimed at you, it was aimed at those making such mental decisions.
a lad at our karate ,managed to find his way to UK , he is a lovely lad, well apart from kicking me in face during sparring and put my lip trough my teeth,, the Tories just want to demonise everyone of the people trying to get here
They do, and when you look at the right and far right aspects of our media, it's emboldened. And that plays part of the "culture war". Divide and conquer based on splitting society and creating multiple battles. Essentially decency vs you can't tell me what to do.
Precisely. While aiming to deflect attention away from the governments law breaking and try to make something else dominate the news agenda.... just ahead of council elections.
wonder which way the war will play out, lets hope decency wins and the person who keeps throwing his empty beer cans in the front garden of my house ,starts finding a bin
I bet money we've blown on our failed border control policy we could have used to set up and maintain safe passage across the channel and create a proper, functioning processing and integration facility. Which would provide long term labour security for the country. But you know, just treat them like sh it and make them hate us. What can go wrong?
Given the balance of polling, and how elections seem to be going, not just in the UK, but across the world, I fear true decency is becoming a more fleeting concept. I just hope it's in its last throes before a shift to a less popular, but a more decent future. I wonder what countries and peoples views will be when climate change starts to make parts of the world uninhabitable and a larger scale displacement of mankind starts to occur in search of ever more scarce resources.
According to charity estimates the scheme will cost an estimated £1.4bn / year. Last year, ~28000 crossed the Channel (80+% of which are genuine remember), so it would cost ~£50k per person. Burntwood Court is currently the most expensive hotel in Barnsley - that would cost £110/night or ~£40k including breakfast. That is based on a nightly rate, so you could probably get it a lot cheaper as a bulk booking or you could use one of the other hotels that are up to 50% cheaper for a reasonable room (Ibis £50, Fairway £47, Holiday Inn Dodworth £79) - and in many cases couples/families could share. Rooms in Barnsley are available from £37/night. As others have said, these people want to work and there is a surplus of jobs available so they could work until the claim is processed and pay their own way. Be a productive member of society. So apart from the inhumane aspect, the government is wasting money that it could spend to help the poor through the cost of living crisis. Oh, and BTW the Australian scheme cost ~$400m, and processed under 300 people last year - at well over $1m each.
You start by asking your friends if they'll house them, then you have to move onto countries you might not like much, until - finally exhausted you come up with a country with a bad enough human rights record that means they're happy to take your cash. Don't believe for a second that Rwanda was in the top 10 choices. But just like asking your mates to punch a stranger for a pint. Eventually you'll find someone evil enough to do your dirty work.
Hopefully, but I’m not holding my breath. People will believe what they want to believe. Whether it’s true or a not doesn’t matter. Its only when the lies start impacting their own lives will it hit home. By then it might be too late. Also given the amount of lying going on everywhere, there comes a point where the contradictions will make everything fall apart. ‘We can’t get rid of Johnson as there’s a war on!’ If I were Putin I’d be laughing. The next time Johnson talks about Putin breaking international law, Putin can rightly point at convicted law breaker leading Britain.
I do agree with you. I guess it comes down to time passing to evaluate if populism was a passing fad, or if it was the herald of another period of fascism. I don't know if you've picked up some of the UK media language around the French elections. Our media is playing both sides (another populist trick) in suggesting France could end up with a far right government, while then endorsing such a thing as the people want change, quite some stance given Macrons party was only formed 18 months before he won office. But it feels ironic in the extreme given how populist and far right at times our government is, that the French election is almost presented as a never before seen event. This hot on the heels of Johnson, Trump, Bolsanaro, Erdogan et al.
Process people in the U.K. admit any that pass asylum tests. Deport any that don’t. Like we have before. In comparison with the rest of Europe we take a tiny amount. The cost of doing this is based on the Australian model likely to be 2 million quid per asylum seeker. Wonder which tories got the finger in that pie.
It`s just another of the new countries we are exporting to. We are people trafficking, add that to exporting arms and we are doing alreight. One is being touted as costing 1.6 billion the other well who knows.