cost for the Australian scheme is 4million Aus dollars per asylum seeker. So that would be about 2 million each. Sunaks wife probably owns the detention centre. Patel is probably domiciled there.
Incredible speech DePfeffel is giving. "It's not fair for the taxpayer to pay for illegal migrants"..... yet essentially deporting the problem to Rwanda will cost circa £1.4bn a year. Maybe he's asking a few Lords to pay for that, rather than the taxpayer!
There's been a welsh MP doing the rounds this morning, trying to justify the proposal, for that's all it is. He wuoted that in 1984 the government had pledged to cut immigration. Since 2010 the conservative have been obsessed by stopping immigration to the UK,apart from a select few. Australia has a points system to allow migration not stop it, as they need skilled individuals. Denmark and Australia are the 2 countries they quote for ofshore centres but they are now stopping it,possibly due to international pressure. The plans put forward by Mrs Patel,over the past years, break international law and the agreements that the UK are signatories to. You cannot break these and as a country not suffer sanctions. The plans are illegal under UK law and would be challenged and cases won. It will reduce immigration at all. The thing is, in the cabinet there are members who have black and brown skin,who are the children of migrants to the UK. Parliament has members who are the victims of oppression and found sanctuary here. For f&^%$ sake,arr uou going to keep silent,while this government tries to enact policies started in Tsarist Russia and used throughout the 2th century. Immigrants treating other immigrants like this is shameful.
DePfeffel has literally used Zahawi, Patel and Raab in his speech as prime examples of the welcoming UK. While in the next breath cited the UK "returning humanely" those who abuse the system to a "3rd country" (brassneck he has!), and going on to suggest a dismantling of legal challenges for a right to stay or remain. I'm ashamed to be British at times, sadly, that sense only seems to increase year on year.
It's a lot of times, but it is at times. The presentation layer is most certainly a populist lie fuelled right wing one. Something Trumpiots would crave. But there are some policies which haven't yet fallen foul... and that's certainly not an endorsement.
I heard this morning somebody explaining that the Rwandan thing would take years to organise and the technical difficulties are so great it would probably never get done. But I suppose the point of flinging it out there now is to deflect from the party fiasco by feeding Daily Heil readers hatred of foreigners.
It's always the thing they resort to. You know when times are really bad for a government when immigration suddenly becomes the mood music played to the nation.
Without even stating the bleedin' obvious, shipping migrants and asylum seeker thousands of miles as illogical and inhumane, using the nonsensical argument that it is a deterrent to people already risking their lives to get to the UK. I googled Rwanda and it makes even less sense.... The main language which most speak is kinyarwanda with French and English spoken by only 0.2%of the population and ... so they already have a huge language barrier to negotiate. 93% of the population are Christain with only 1% Muslims so little common ground unless the vast majority of asylum seekers are Christian (unlikely given that most come for war torn regions like Syria, Afghanistan etc.) Rwanda is, by all measures, a poor country. The 1994 war obliterated the country's economy, social fabric, human resource base, and institutions. Almost 90 percent of the population lives on less than US$2 per day and half of its population lives on less than US$1 per day. Looking at teh above facts, it seem the most inappropriate place to consider 'dumping' (for want of a better world), people seeking a safe haven where they can live a normal productive life. Madness!
A curious answer just given by dePfeffel. He refused to answer anything to do with his lying to parliament and breaking the laws he set. Using the stance that he would be making a statement to commons (it's currently in recess, so that is likely Tuesday/Wednesday next week) so couldn't comment. All while he makes a major policy statement to the media rather than the Commons, and thereby breaching the protocols he used to cover his own hide.
Don't forget the sponsorship of Arsenal from the Rwandan government, which even concerned the Foreign Office due to human rights abuses: From the Daily Mirror: The (sponsorship) agreement had actually been confirmed in May 2021 and sees one of the world’s poorest nations, which is reliant upon aid and with a GDP of less than $900 per capita, continue to pay one of the world’s richest football clubs more than £10m a year for its logo to appear on shirt sleeves and around the Emirates Stadium. More troubling are the allegations of human rights abuses, including claims that vocal critics of Kagame are being murdered or disappearing. Human Rights Watch, the United Nations and the UK’s Foreign Office have all raised concerns this year So, one of the world's poorest countries with little to no infrastructure, no empathy with any immigrant/asylum seekers, no experience of the processes involved, and run by an alleged corrupt, abusive and downright murderous government can afford £10 million to sponsor a shirt sleeve. It absolutely stinks I wonder what Arsenal fans think of this? This is just another wave machine idea from Priti Vacant to try and deter asylum seekers. Europe has stepped up and taken millions of desperate people from the Ukraine invasion and slaughter, the UK can't even bring itself to let in and protect a few thousand desperate people already fleeing from other conflict and famine zones. We truly have a **** show of a government
Priti Patel right wing hateful w**kword bingo. Eyes down. "world leading"..... tick "global refugee problem"...... tick Just waiting on a bit of Patel word salad for a full house.
The Torys are up to their necks in **** with Partygate, Tax avoidance, and Russian money being donated to the party and individuals so now is the time to play the racist card to their knuckle-dragging far-right following by saying they are sending asylum seekers to Rwanda which it will never happen.
I actually blame lockdown supporters - because they wanted all our borders closing and therefore fuelled the xenophobia which has given rise to this type of intolerance of anyone from a foreign country bringing in "God knows what" - copyright Emily Thornberry... Just joking Seriously though - it's actually so incredible that when my Missus told me about it I thought she'd been taken in by some sort of parody account on Twitter or something. Unbelievable. The UK is unrecognisable from the country it was even only 4 or 5 years ago. These are extremist far right policies that belong to somewhere like Australia. .
It’s absolutely disgusting and probably the worst policy that’s come out of this country in my lifetime. We’re effectively paying a country to take people from us and do what they want with them. ******* vile. I will add though that this government are so incompetent I doubt we will see more than a handful of people deported to Rwanda before this sham project is withdrawn.
I've just been reading some pro Boris comments justifying this appalling policy. All the pathetic Brexiteers latching on to the "if it saves just one person from a watery grave" ********. F*** off. If you want to save people from a watery grave just put some boats into service and provide them with an actual safe passage then process them in the UK. Simple. But you don't want that do you? You want to keep the darkies out. Execrable people.
It shows where we are as a country. In trying to distract from the fact that he has been found guilty by the police to have broken his own regulations, the PM believes that the best way to win over his party and his voters, is to send refugees to Rwanda. As countries go, the UK, or more specifically England, is a proper nobhead.