So the best thing to do with people fleeing genocide is to send them to a country with a recent history of genocide?
Remember when we used to laugh at the ridiculous policies put forward by Alan B’Stard in “The New Statesman” His caricature of a politician would be too left wing for our current mob. I don’t have the imagination to work out what depths they will plumb next but this one takes some beating. Illegal immoral stupid and phenomenally expensive. But that’s ok cos they will have lined up which mates will benefit
Not entirely sure all this criticism of Rwanda is entirely fair. Seems a bit racist to me. Lots of outdated notions and prejudiced opinions about the place. As long as those fleeing persecution are able to find safety and security then it shouldn't matter whether that is on our shores or overseas.
One of the saddest things of all is that there is very likely a slender majority of the voting public actually in favour of this policy.
It's not the criticism of Rwanda although no one in their right mind would want to live there with the genocide against the Tutsi by the Hutu its the criticism of this government of ours its out of Hitler's handbook, we are a none caring country that treats people with no passion what so ever, we are run by a populist government that treats its own working class with contempt, but hayho keep doffing your cap.
The criticism isn't of Rwanda but of our government thinking this is any way an appropriate measure when deciding asylum status.
Not seeing direct criticism of Rwanda as a country. What I’m seeing is criticism of the despicable acts of our shameful government. They’re fkin vile. Rotten to the core.
23% don't know. Frightening. The number of people who don't know anything about politics because it's "boring", not on their Instagram feed or "oh, they're all the same aren't they" is depressing. And these are the idiots who, when it comes to an election will see a headline promising tax cuts and vote on the strength of that.
As opposed to 52 to 48 which clearly indicates the will of the people I think the fact that 35% support it is a devastating sign of the country we have become
Absolutely. Our government are going about it all wrong. I expected more to oppose sending people to a country with iffy human rights.
And the don’t knows are also less likely to vote. All round a better scenario than the ones who think they know and have just been filled with Putin sponsored propaganda
You could be right. But how does that hold up with the fact that 100% of refugees who reached the U.K. from Rwanda were granted asylum. And how are the refugees deported there from other countries doing? Are they all happily settled in their new home?