I'm torn between watching these and having to wait a week for the next one, or leaving them to stockpile. I loved Breaking Bad, but I genuinely think Better Call Saul is the better of the two. Netflix has a lot to answer for in term of my ability to wait for new episodes!
It's about a wheeling dealing Lawyer who gets up to all sorts of shenanigans, he also gets dragged into the dark world of the drug cartels.
I’ve just started it on Episode 3. Slow starter but getting better. Loved Breaking Bad so not sure why I haven’t watched it up to now.
Do you need to have watched breaking bad to enjoy BCS? Ive tried to watch breaking bad 3 times and turned it off during the pool party episode all 3 times I just can’t get into it at all.
It's probably worth watching Breaking Bad first, as it will give you the backstory to how these characters' stories ultimately interact.
Since it's both a prequel to Breaking Bad and a sequel I don't think it will make any sense if you don't watch BB first.
There are more episodes that are slow burners than in BB. They turned it into an art-form in BCS. See also seemingly random episodes where you have no idea where it's heading and then it suddenly all clicks into place.