Our beloved ceo now thinks the motley crew running our club are doing the right thing by not meeting or speaking to the public and basically the reasoning is because his beloved Man City don't do it. Wrong i am afraid.because man city fans have no cause to want to speak to their owners because they are winning most things put in front of them
He certainly has. I don't know how it could be done but i seriously think start at the top and work down and replace with a better article at every stage but of course the person at the very top has to be someone with a very big purse
Was that what he said Ringo and are you sure he didn't ask what others in the media team think? are you really sure?
For an intelligent guy he does seem to have a particular habit of making totally tone-deaf public statements. I refuse to believe that he can't distinguish why Man City and RB Leipzig fans aren't clamouring for answers from their owners, but Barnsley fans are, and yet that's the comparison he uses.
It's why I asked if he had media training (I'm guessing the question wasn't asked). It seems every time he's in the spotlight, he makes an amateurish comment that piles more pressure on that it relieves. Of course, apparently I have an agenda against him, so I would say that wouldn't I?
Tbf he did look a bit exaspersted/what can I say do about it? when he was saying about the owners not meeting with the fans at the engagement meeting. It would make his job a lot easier if the answers came straight from the horses mouth I'm sure.
thanks for that. I guess it's the 0.01% that told him to say these things. farcical. that city analogy is laughable.
as @Redhelen would be able to tell you plus others you are wrong then. He mentioned this month that he discusses with the media team plus others what he's going to say. People are wanting to criticise him and 1/7 or whatever of the ownership for everything at the moment. It's strange to me.
no interpretation required here. do you think the Club's owners should respond to specific questions raised by fans, which the CEO has said he is unable to answer? it's a closed question. it only has a yes or no answer.
YES YES YES Also asked Andrew Clark to please remind him that people were turning up to meetings to hear him answer questions. If he came out with, you will have to ask the owner or that was before my time then I didn't want to hear it. UNLESS you tell me a time and place to ask those people. Andrew Clark didn't do that from my recollection. The same person that sat by the side of the CEO early in the year and let him say false information on Work permit issues around Dike and didn't say a word to him. He is a clever guy this Andrew so why didn't he realise someone from Sweeden was wrong? Also, this guy was asked by myself at the following home game after the sacking of Daniel Stendel. I asked him, have you or anyone else asked the senior members at the club to say more than the statement released? He said, No. I said why not? He said, because we haven't. the CEO chances, the mistakes continue from Patrick Crynes time at the club to the investment group. 4 ceo's similar mistakes. In the club there are a lot of Andrews.
thanks for the reply. good to hear your views, and that you have the same expectations of the owners as everyone else. I'm not sure I agree that others at the Club are responsible for owners meeting not happening though. which it sounds like you might be suggesting? the CEO has been asked directly, to help arrange a meeting with the owners so they can answer these questions. that hasn't happened, and now the CEO has come out with these latest comments. it seems pretty obvious to me, that the owners are aware of the request and have refused. that's on them. no one else. also have to remember people like Andrew Clarke are on the payroll. they take direction from the CEO, not us. this is above their pay grade. with everything that's happened, people are going to read these comments from Khaled and instantly think it's come from Conway. any CEO worth their salt would know that. he shouldn't need a marketing manager to tell him this.