It’s absolutely nothing like a workforce walking out on strike. All the Tory legislation would be voted through with no criticism. Parliament can function without opposition MP’s. True some committees wouldn’t be quorate but the Tories would probably see it as a good thing It would be like if a football team didn’t turn up and the tie awarded as a walkover rather than power cuts and picket lines
Well what do you expect after I suggest mass action to get shut of Johnson, then suddenly this makes it beloved Tories. Ffs.
100% disagree. He would be gone within days... Country wouldn't function, the public would have no choice but to put so much pressure on either a gen election or him gone..
I don’t expect Anything, just pointing out your ludicrous and unworkable analogy. Anarchy in Parliament would be right up Boris’s and his cronies street
Still doesn't explain 'your beloved tories'... You under estimate what the effect on our democracy it would take should all opposition refuse to continue until the PM is removed. No amount of tory mp's could withstand what would ensue in public.
I wouldn’t underestimate anything effecting our democracy given what’s happened to the country during the last 9 years or so. Goes to show The power of the Tories supported with their majority of press and media.
C'mon, take to the streets, borrow a pitchfork n shi-t like that.. direct action is the only way am telling thi.
Been theer, done that many times over, and as I/we painfully found out in the Miner’s strike, the British public are all too easily ‘conned’ by the Tory controlled press and lies machine. Nowaday’s highlights that more than ever