What they seem to be doing is passing the ball to players in their own team. I think they could be on to something there.
Mark opposition players when you don’t have the ball. Pass to team mates when you do. Radical. Will never catch on
When I was manager of Harwell International Reserves in the North Berks League I used to remind my team to pass to the players in the same coloured shirts. Sometimes they managed to do it.
He really wasn't, not defending. Yes Andersen's passing was atrocious, but he's the only one who defending somewhat okay (more so in first half) - including goal line clearance. He made a couple of decent tackles, and got in 4/5 good blocks after our wingbacks allowed crosses in. But I definitely agree with him playing out, really bad
Loved the Blackpool tactics of scoring some goals and keeping a clean sheet. Simple but effective. They didn't try to reinvent the wheel.