Subjectively the worse game I remember watching was at home against Carlisle united under Viv Anderson, we lost 1-0 to a team who were relegated from our league then relegated again the season after. That was an abject night, the closest since then was the Huddersfield town away drubbing under Wilson MK II- another awful display. I don’t think anything this season has beaten those lows for me, like I say it’s subjective- but they stick in my memory for a reason.
the thing is, I genuinely believe many of the things they are getting so horribly wrong, should be relatively easy to fix. but it also has to start at top, with owners that care about the Club and want to fix things. I just really don't think they care. or want to care. as for Khaled, I really still don't know what to think. I don't know if he's part of the problem, or if he's just not up to the job, or if he just needs more help to implement change quicker. either way, to my eyes he's failing miserably as a CEO....and given he's said he has 99.9% accountability for how the Club is run, IMO it's on him.
It wasn't the players were bad . The management was bad but everybody tried. That is all Barnsley fans want a team of triers giving their all for the team however bad they are.
Spot on. I remeber patrick getting slated on here right through his time by a certain few. Conan, redstar gordon owen to mention a few. I always said one day we would miss him. I think when these jokers took over people were loving the billionaire tag and the big spiel about matchday improvement etc etc but in reality ten bob billionaires and not very good at running a football club.
it just needs people who care, and a plan. really shouldn't be any more complicated than that... hold a consultation with fans. capture a list of all the problems. physically write them down that consultation absolutely has to include either Conway and/or Chien Lee publish a charter. endorsed by Board and CEO, describing the Club's vision and its commitment to Barnsley FC create a working group with fan representatives. publish the working group's terms of reference publish the list of problems. prioritise the 'top 10'. everything else goes onto a backlog publish a 3 year plan of when the 'top 30' problems will get resolved hold monthly meetings, to track progress against those top 10 when a problem gets resolved, an item from the backlog gets added to the plan hold quarterly reviews, to publish progress against the 3 year plan and raise any new problems there would definitely be things in any plan that people disagree with. absolutely certain. no scenario where everyone agrees with every decision. doesn't exist at any club. but it would be a plan, coming from a good place, sponsored by the Club's leadership team, with a clear shared target, which everyone can see and contribute to. all that is 100% within the gift of the owners and CEO. I realise some people will say 'load of $hite. pointless. we don't want any of that, we just want the owners gone'. but for me that's out of our control...and tbh if a new owner came in tomorrow, I'd probably still recommend something similar, to get off on the right foot. I also realise it's highly likely that little to none of this will happen.
I'd love another owner like Patrick Cryne. The funds he loaned the club were only to be repaid upon promotion to the Premier League or as part of any sale of it, and it was enough to sustain us in the Championship for several seasons. He made many mistakes, most of which he admitted to, but the decisions he took always had the best interests of the club as the basis of them. I'll leave others to compare the current owners to him, as they're so far removed from him that it would be disrespectful to Patrick to bother even attempting a comparison.
The only three I will miss if they are sold are Collins, Morris and Woodrow. Everyone else see you later.
Yep it was Battling Barnsley and not Bottling Barnsley, they didn`t down tools like these modern day versions.
Which reminds me of the chant “Don’t say Brown, say hopeless “. For younger fans, that’s a parody of the bread advert Don’t say brown say Hovis!
Yer daft bugger Should play this at the last home game, the final nail in the coffin on life in the Championship. For now. In 12 months you never know, Conway could be taking the credit for our phoenix-like rise from the ashes. After the best consecutive transfer windows ever. Here's hoping.
My Dad says they used to give him dogs abuse and sarcastically applaud him when he did things right. "Nice one Kenny". He told me he must have hated my uncle Colin because back in the day the crowds weren't that great. Whenever Kenny Brown came over to the corner near the West Stand/ Ponte corner he copped for it.
I wish we had half a dozen Kenny Browns in this team Not the greatest but never hid and always put a shift in Well respected and a top man off the pitch as well