She has been inebriated at the despatch box before. I can't believe she is not withdrawn and warned by the Speaker and her behaviour highlighted by the other MPs and journalists. It's a poor state of affairs.
Fully agree. We've MP's and ministers who are taking actions, giving comment and partaking in "debate" while under the influence. That's obviously wrong. But to compound that, they are likely under the influence from one of the several tax payer subsidised bars and restaurants in the parliamentary estate. And some of those same MP's and ministers (if things haven't changed in the last decade) will have ratcheted up eye watering bar bills that remain unpaid for years and years, and may likely get written off. So many things in our parliament that aren't fit for purpose. And not just the government and ruling party.
Just watched the entire interview - rather than a couple of clips I had seen earlier a few observations - What a difference a well prepared strong interviewer makes - compared with some interviews I have seen recently it was a breath of fresh air - That was a car crash on almost every point - he had no answers to any of the difficult questions and Suzanna wouldnt let him just waffle on without answering the question -shame she cant stand in for the speaker in the commons - His answer on electricity was hilarious - which government has been in power for the last 12 years so whose fault is it that we have not invested sufficiently in power generation, to claim that taxing the excessive profits being taken by energy companies will stop them investing when they havent been doing it anyway is a novel take - he clearly has no idea or interest in how pensioners or those on lower incomes are supposed to make ends meet - when your choice is eat food or heat the house or as in the case raised keep the medical devices runnung but you can only do one people will be forced to resort to crime to stay alive - or as Johnson would prefer just die and solve the problem that way ps I dont think Suzanna likes him all that much
Just done the same.(watched the entire interview) Bless him. He doesn't lie. And his party didn't sell all the utilities to the foriegn highest bidders. Who now need the billions of profit to reinvest. Some of his responses beggar belief. Cun*.