You imagine someone that's been a part of deals totalling 12 BILLION. One article says 60ish deals at that value before joining Tiger Media and then setting PMG. Going through some of these comments. Do you think he goes for the Nikki Grahame Who is she approach or the shake of the head and sigh approach?
The bloke is a complete cap end. Add me to the round @churtonred - you speak for me. Hemsworth Tyke does not.
The Chinese government are trying to clean out the murky, possibly criminal Hong Kong Stock exchange. The attempts to deceive supporters, national associations. I'm not allowed for legal reasons to comment on what I believe these football club purchases in Europe are about but " truth will out ", eventually. Barnsley fc is in grave danger under the ownership of these people.
I've only dealt with a HK based company once, and it's a very long time ago, so my sense of this is fairly sketchy. I had a feeling HK based entities had pretty stringent conditions placed upon them. Some of the things I vaguely recall were a registered person to be deemed resident and a company secretary to be based there, and I thought there were moves to prevent virtual set ups. Now I suspect, like here, you could just name a local accountant as company secretary, but I thought there was an effort to crack down on the empty shells and overseas investment vehicles taking solace that their affairs couldn't be looked into.
Given that there’s no money, on the face of it, to be earned from owning football clubs (to the contrary many if not most make serious losses) one has to question why people would invest money into them. And then pause for thought. Then ask themselves the same question again.
i would be stunned if any of them had a million never mind a billion. the Ex owner @Nancy has done a interview with a french paper. who is said to be trying to get a consortium together to buy the club back. Says he was fooled by them with there communication and the promises they made to him. "they fooled him as well as the fans " with there false promises of investment ,worldwide business sponsorship contacts etc for one he said they were going to make a immediate 2 million cash injection into the club. which never happened ,indeed they haven't even been paying the ground rent (behind in payments) He said left 4 million in cash in the clubs account
the only ones who cant lose are .... surprise surprise themselves they install themselves as directors paying themselves a yearly wage even though the companies are haemorrhaging money millions will get paid a yearly management fees from each investor if the assets are making or losing huge sums of money makes no difffrence and will get a percentage when the asset is sold
He's a accountant it doesn't matter if he was( not exactly exempt from bending the truth or lying are they) or has been involved in deals totalling whatever with his old company he " worked " for he will have been on a fixed yearly wage which actually wont have been that much ,probably the same as a steelworker over here. unless they have started paying accountants percentages of accounts they are involved in. in which case i presume there's a 1000 year waiting list for employment in that area
you talk utter bs He wasn't an accountant he was managing Director. Mr. Rob Fried, the Company's Co-Chairman, commented, "We are very excited to welcome Paul Conway to the Company. I have known and worked with Paul on a variety of transactions over the last seven years. He spearheaded the merger with SearchMedia on behalf of Ideation and as such is very well-acquainted with the Company's business operations and senior personnel.
He worked for a company on wall street ...he says when he said these big deals were done goldman sachs ,morgan stanley which one ? and you are saying he was the management director of said company . which one he organises manages investment funds/SPACs for investors to invest in.
I thought you knew everything about him. You haven't spent two minutes looking anything up have you. Oppenheimer & Co. and to allow you to learn more I'll link which shows he left them in decent position.