where exactly on that 52 page document is he mentioned ? A.G. Lowenthal Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer E.K. Roberts, C.A. President and Treasurer D.P. McNamara Secretary Board of Directors J.L. Bitove G R. Crystal G W. Ehrhardt*° M. Keehner*° G A.G. Lowenthal K.W. McArthur* A.W. Oughtred G E.K. Roberts B.Winberg* nor does he appear on there wiki page history and as said just because you work for a company it doesn't mean you personally get a percentage of deals they are involved in these are asset management companies as i have said they mange assets of investors
I agree DWL, there is a suspicion that a lot of money if being filtered out through HK companies. A bit like property in London and the use of small Caribbean islands. I remember George Osborne talking about leading a international task force to challenge these practices. It's beyond satire that a Conservative MP is defending the British Virgin Islands against the UKs conservative government. I believe the Chinese government wish to have more centralised control over companies and how and where they trade. Worried about loss of currency, tax receipts and that idealogically, it's all gone too far. There have been enormous changes in the former Soviet bloc and China,which we are still seeing and experiencing the birth pangs. Who knows what will happen in the next 10 years? Do they look at the western economies and think, phew not for us. We are used to the ups and downs of our country's economy, certainly in my lifetime, but imagine you are only 30 years into trying this experiment.
Add me to the list of people you speak for. Now I'm just waiting for someone to tell the banned Hemsworth tyke that he speaks for them too. I suspect I'll be waiting a while
Do you really need to keep referring to him being previously banned mate? I’m sure admin are already well aware. Not sure you need to bring it up every time.
No, it's just Hemsworth Tyke who changes his name i think. Hopefully Bobby Hassell's wife can change her name to avoid the vile, personal abuse that she got from "Higgy" previously.
Yes i am. The same one who contacted some of the man's friends individually to express my apologies for my comments and to say that I had completely failed to take into account people's feelings when making my I'll thought out point. Bit stalkerish that you've had that screenshot from a forum you were banned from saved for 3 years don't you think
For me the ST and our MP should be bringing the info in the OP of this thread from Nancy, to the attention of the EFL and the Minister for Sport, so that's errr.........Nadine Dorries......ah well we're f@cked then on both counts.