I guess it is feasible, given there were 4 or 5 trialists playing for the 23s the other day. If we’re signing any young midfielders for the first team, I hope the question is being asked of whether they’re any better than Wolfe and Ackroyd.
When I first read that he was on trial at Barnsley, my first thought was that maybe Eric's grandson had been a naughty boy and Eric would be defending him. Shows how much I've lost interest in football at the minute.
Let's not bother looking then, Wigan are also interested but hey let's just write any potential signing off.
With respect RedCB, nearly every Barnsley fan has complained about buying untested young players, this season being no exception. The squad is too big and unbalanced and lacking maturity and experience. We have enough young midfielders to play in the Academy team's. He is being released by Leeds to give him a chance to find work,as they don't feel he has a future with them. This season to come,the club need some leader's, some experience, players who have already proven they can do it. My opinion maybe in the minority but the teams put out to play Championship football this season by the club,have been so lacking in ability, it's been embarrassing.