Anyone voting Tory is complicit in making this country the pile of $hit it is fast becoming. I make no exceptions to that. They are literally endorsing the growing list shameful acts this Government routinely inflicts on people.
I took my dog either me as well but didn't take a photo. I could here him crying all the time I was voting!
I told him about the importance of universal suffrage but he was more interested in his sniffs and carrying on with his walk!
You're not local council.....21 tory, 5 labour, 2 Independents (both ex tory, seemingly still tory).
To be fair though, all the parties have declared there's a climate emergency... preserving greenfields and the environment are supposed to be a part of that fight.
It was in Rockingham Ward where the Council have been building a shed load of warehousing (including the Hermes complex which is huge) and I know a lot of people were upset at the loss of land where they'd been able to walk.
So that means vote Tory? Seriously I’ve never been as dismayed by our inhabitants and their political persuasions as what I am now.
So there's nowhere else to walk round there? Seriously the stupidity and ignorance of Nimbys. Do they not want jobs,prosperity?