Given his legal background I’m assuming that the police would have to present a cast-iron case given the consequences.
It's a smart move by Starmer purely on the basis Johnson would be forced to do same. And secondly, Starmer knows full well that one phone call from a senior Tory to a senior Durham copper is all it takes to ensure he isn't fined. It appears he's showing integrity, smart move, but he's purely ensuring his own survival.
Not so sure it's a smart move personally. A smart move would be not to have broken any lockdown rules and to say so., to place yourself unequivocally with the electorate.
It's moving the Tories onto a battleground where they can't fight because they can't even understand it. Morality. Principles. Integrity. This will be interesting.
I'm far from stupid and this whole thing is as clear as mud. No need for game playing , I will resign etc. Just state you kept within the law. All the public (who don't really care and won't really delve into it that deeply) hear is the fact he's on about resigning due to his actions.
If Starmer resigns, Johnson still won’t go. He’ll try and call a GE if he thinks he’s about to be ousted.
Quite probably. And this is it. If he wins that then we really are completly, utterly, absolutely finished as a country.
He will stand down because he's a honoursble man' the bungling bufoon wouldn't know honour if it bit him on the ar@e' dispiccable human being.. Starmer will step down because he's a honourable man' the bungling buffoon wouldn't know honour if it bit him on the arse' dispicable human being...
If you claimed I'd broken the law I'd say no I haven't. Not , well.if the police charge me I'll resign.
I think such a desperate move would see the Tory party vote down a GE motion (has to go through commons unless 5 year term expires) and remove him, but given they’ve no moral backbone, they may just wait it out and hope for good news. Given Lib Dem resurgence, I think a majority is tough going in the next GE, but who knows what circumstances will occur.
He very strongly said he didn’t break the rules. Gave examples of how he had maintained them despite family pressures but answered in the hypothetical that he would of course resign to put the pressure back on Johnson . As it’s clear he won’t resign it puts that distance between them. I’m no Starmer fan but on this he is playing it well.
You are assuming that he's guilty when in reality he has firmly stated he has broken no rules and would be highly disappointed if the police reach the wrong conclusion but if they do and even if he disagrees with them he'll do the honourable thing and quit. It's a bit like a footballer putting in a last ditch tackle and winning the ball. The ref sends him off because he doesn't get the ball. Kier Starmer knows that he did but he respects the referees decision and leaves the pitch. The same thing happens to Bozo who knows he also got the ball* so refuses to leave the pitch when the referee sends him off. The referee tells him to go, the fans are all booing him. His own fans are booing him. His other teammates are telling him to get off the pitch but he sits down on the centre circle and refuses to leave. *In reality Bozo knows he didn't even attempt to win the ball and deliberately took the man out....several times