It has been funny watching the right wing shills reverse ferreting in real time yesterday when they realised that they completely overlooking the possibility of a politician having integrity and realising they'd dropped "Big Dog" in it.
The more I think about this the more ridiculous it seems. The Covid rules really were utterly ludicrous.
Yesterdays Front page Todays Front page Sarire is dead Just how stupid would you have to be to buy this sh*t and not see it for what it is PS how is this for objective journalism - "Journalist" on the same bog roll If he gets away with not breaking the law!!!!! What parallel universe are we in
Saw some reply to that Tweet yesterday and I the read his timeline. He's been on a week long tirade against Starmer that seems to get more baffling by the hour. Perhaps we have got so used to Johnson that not breaking the law is a political sin these days?
It's beyond parody. The political gymnastics going on is extraordinary. Meanwhile, the PM broke the law, has lied to parliament, has breached the ministerial code and the Nolan principles pretty much every week of his far too long a tenure, and this same cabal of media moguls have not said a thing or considered his position untenable. And ah yes, Dan Hodges. The man who incredibly had a job where he paraded to be left wing, yet undermined and criticised it constantly. Though incredibly, Melanie Phillips tried the same thing and had a stint at the Guardian before she could take no more and had to accept she was a far right radical and moved to the Torygraph.
Of course the other point of all this is it keeps the cost of living crisis, and the Tories disastrous local election results of the front pages it was supposed to keep Boris off as well but as others pointed out Starmer has tripped them up by behaving properly
We have no hope as a country, when the individuals that make it as far as being elected into Parliament are simply too stupid to be able to do the job. Case in point...
Please dont humanise the evil selfish lawbreaking dictator by calling him Boris or Bojo - he isnt your mate and doesnt give a **** about you
PS how did Sir Kier reply Id love it if it was with " Absoultely fine thanks - how was yours and how is your wife not seen her about recently "
The Sunday Times reports: A Conservative MP lied under oath, behaved in an abusive, arrogant and aggressive way, and was so dishonest that his claims about a multimillion-pound family dispute could not be taken at face value, a high court judge has ruled. Andrew Bridgen, MP for North West Leicestershire, has spent years taking legal action against his family’s £27 million potato and vegetable business, which he claims forced him out and treated him unfairly. He could face millions of pounds in legal bills and a referral to the parliamentary standards watchdog after he was found to have been an unsatisfactory, evasive and combative witness who tried to cover up his misconduct.
Andrew Bridgen? I'm shocked. Shocked I tell you. Next you'll be telling me Mark Francois isn't all sweetness and light!
I would have been sacked at work for having a beer on my break for tea! The alcohol is an issue for me, if he was having a soft drink there shouldn't/wouldn't have been an issue.
But I would question drinking alcohol at work in his position if the intention was to further work afterwards. Regardless it being a gathering/party or whatever!
It's always amusing to me, currently working at a French owned company, how relaxed they are about having an alcoholic drink with your meal, even at lunch time. Many of our H&S videos translated from French show slides telling you to make sure you only have one drink with your lunch if you are planning to drive later in the day, or not to drink at all if operating machinery. I think it's because as Brits we automatically associate "having a beer and a takeaway" with getting blotto. Kudos to those who can stop at one!
But you don't know what he's had to drink, or how much. One bottle of lager with his meal is hardly an issue imo.
He's just scouting out possible future locations for the goalposts in the event that Starmer is cleared. Mr Rules doesn't make things easy for himself. There will now be more calls for him to resign because his rule breaking doesn't look like a one off any more.