My 5 year old grandson does this. I think "super" has taken over from "really" or "extremely" as an adverbial intensifier.
Potentially much more annoying is the use of " like" following the verb "to be", with the meaning of either " to say" or "to think", in such expressions as, " I was like, oh my God", or "I am like, that's awful".
Over egged hyperbole. Oh my god it was unreal, amazing, I've never seen/had anything like it. Etc But "like" interjected every 3rd word should be an instant one way ticket to a dark dingy cell.
Overusing the word 'wow'. He does it all the time on his current TV shows Future Food Stars and Uncharted.
No brainer - started by a no brained manager of ours. Position of maximum opportunity Home truths Special human beings & synergy I still get PTSD from Hill, Johnson, Davey and Flitcroft, respectively
YES YES YES !!! Wife has these tv house progammes on and every time the prospective buyers go into a room or a garden it's WOW. WOW. WOW. All the feckin' time. Oh look, a kettle.... WOW. WOW, a door through to the bedroom. WOW, some plants in the garden.
"Do you think will win em?" No but we may beat them. "I'll learn him how to do it" No you will teach him how to do it.
Someone appearing on a radio programme and starting their answer to a question with " Thank you for having me." Relatively new saying, they think it's polite and endearing. Gets on my tits.
I keep banging on about this. You change TACK when you're changing course in a boat or, metaphorically, when you're changing your approach to something. TACT is being diplomatic. You don't change tact. Ever.
ahh but to be fair its radio and you can't see what they are up to , so it could actually be the correct term