might just be me but lots of folk especially on TV seem so add an 'h' to words starting 'st ' so stop becomes shtop
Spare a thought for foreigners learning English as a 2nd language. Just one example ...insoluble is opposite of soluble but inflammable means the same as flammable . No wonder words get misused
H. I realise language evolves but I'm ashamed to say I still can't stop myself getting sniffy at people who say haitch instead of aitch. Or skedool instead of schedule.
I never know if shhhedule, or Skedule is right. I presume one of them is American. Likewise issue - i-ssue or ishwho.
They tried to make me go to grammar school, I said "No, Now, Know" I can't claim credit for that, I read it several years ago on here, but it still makes me giggle.
David Mitchell does a very funny rant about sign writers knowing but doing what the customer wants. 12 seconds in
Yes. It's usually a politician who's been forced into an uncomfortable interview, doesn't want to do it, and is trying every trick in the book to run the clock down so they have to cut to the news.
I live in London so don't know if this is London-specific: incorrect use of question tags. Me: "They didn't join the meeting today". Response: "Is it?"