I was waiting to see what happens. It's a bit up in the air from where I'm sitting. I can see why people are wanting some sort of communication from the club. However, only thing that could shut people up are actions. Sumat like a new deal for Woodrow and maybe selling Brittain and bringing in a footballer.
To be honest I'm less concerned about on the pitch than off it SD. In terms of that though I've no idea what to think. Woodrow has been off the boil so long now I'm not sure he still has what it takes. Either way I reckon they'll want him off the wage bill. We need an experienced spine of the team though, that's for sure.
But the fact that you've asked that question and he's still refused to acknowledge relegation and failure and won't explain anything to anyone shows exactly what I said. He is there, you speak to him but does he **** listen to you. He's just paying lip service in an attempt to keep the supporters trust sweet. There is a difference between being present whilst you talk at him and actually listening to what you say. Again this isn't a criticism of you or the trust it's of the deceitful dishonest and disinterested CEO
We were told comms were planned for after the WBA game and it had only been delayed until the official end of the season as they wanted to announce Poya leaving, then the loanees, and then ultimately leaving Disco and the young players the free hits at Preston and WBA before the review/update. Now you might personally think that strategy is wrong. I don't. Others I know don't. And others I know do. I can see both sides. No idea what has happened to change that as contrary to belief I don't have Khaled on speed dial. But I'd be very surprised if we didn't communicate this week.
Exactly though. It has changed because they don't give a toss about supporters. Khald tells the trust what he thinks the trust wants to hear but it's all lip service because he doesn't follow through. In essence he isn't actually listening to your concerns, hes letting you say them to him but they're going in one ear and out the other
Just a thought on Supporters Trust membership. Is there any chance Doug O'Kane from the Chronicle could be persuaded to write a piece encouraging people to join? It doesn't have to be anti ownership in its slant. Surely its in the best interests of fans and the town that the supporters group has as strong a voice as possible whatever the ownership or position on or off the field.
I think you are completely wrong by the way. On the point you make about addressing the failure of this season, maybe there's a valid reason the comms you allude to haven't gone out, yet?
i’m a member but I find it a fairly useless membership. Relationship with the club seems far too cosy . Of course it’s a symbiotic relationship but it just doesn’t sit right with me. Yes I could get involved but I don’t have the time energy or inclination to do that in an organisation I see as fairly meaningless.
Doesn't someone like yourself get involved in things to direct and impact change where it's needed? I thought this would be right up your street giving posts on here over the years. Is it that you don't have the time, energy, or inclination to get involved in anything to change things at the football club, other than just going to away games? Easy to sit and type that something is fairly meaningless when there's a fairly open door to get involved and it would be welcomed.
i was involved in the distant past. I have no desire to revisit that. I could barely drag myself to matches this season let alone find the desire to be paid lip service to by a club employee. Supporters organisations on the whole are like political parties. If they are energetic and are seen to be progressive they will have an engaged base and people willing to join / wanting to represent. If they are seen as moribund then they won’t. Appreciate the chicken and egg nature of that but it needs someone younger, more engaged and enthusiastic then me.
Understand that. Shame though as you'd probably add value and despite your view of me and how you speak to me sometimes, I'd have put my name on your election form. Will take the last comment as a positive though. All our numbers are up in the last five years.
He hasn't decided whether or not he's sorry for relegation yet? Our relegation came as a complete shock to him after what appeared to be a fantastic season until the end of April? There's no valid reason for keeping quiet
I see this used fairly often as a stick to beat Khaled with, and I'm sure I'll be accused of defending him. Which I'm not, this is just an observation. It was pretty clear what he meant, at least to me anyway, when he said relegation wasn't something he was thinking about. It was a determination for it not to be something we think would happen or were considering. Because we wanted to stay up. Maybe hearing it in person was different to reading the words on a page. Who knows. But Dane Murphy and Struber used to regularly say the same thing, even when we looked absolutely buried, but that never got the same level of grief. It was just a mindset comment, surely? Rather than people suggesting it's not something he was thinking about or considering. There's obviously always two ways to interpret something though, but it does surprise me this one keeps getting repeated.
I wasn't referring to his earlier comment. I was referring to the fact that relegation hadn't snuck up on him leaving him completely unprepared and now having to scramble around to think of words to say. We were favourites for the drop for months and almost certs for it after the reading game so a statement could and should have been ready to go. We shouldn't be waiting for the mute to speak in the middle of may and there's no reasons, excuses or justifications for the disrespect and disregard for supporters shown by him in the face of his failure.
Gally, I think it was you the other week said there was some ‘good/positive’ news to come(can’t remember exact phrase) has that been or is it still to come?
Be honest with yourself though, you know exactly what I was referencing and getting at. I wasn't solely talking about your reply and more the general digs that have come throughout the last six months on that particular subject. From yourself and others. Don't disagree at all by the way on the comms issue. Although when you start abusing people and being aggressive you do lose me a bit. But one would assume there's some kind of logical reason behind the delay. Maybe Big Mick is coming home and we're combining it all in one? Probably no chance like. But imagine.
I'd still one pissed off because that doesn't excuse the wall of silence. It's shameful and the trust should be publicly slamming them for it not defending them imo