You're all talking ballox Fine chap with his finger on the pulse and knows exactly what nerds to be done. After all he is the Man Who wanted every School to be performing above average
Is it possible to say Michael f***ing Gove without using f***ing as his middle name? I know I can't manage it.
Michael Gove Jacob Rees Mogg Ian Duncan Smith Boris The bloke with the bunch of bananas for hair. What a disgusting, nauseating bunch of individuals. They say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover but my god!!!!
Its not just Gove. Its apparantly the fault of the poor they need food banks because they cant cook Where the F**K do we get these excuses for human beings from
I'm sure he's being purposefully divisive, or it's something he gets on his high horse about over dinner as he waits for his chablis to be poured. I suspect there will be some part of our population who could benefit from guidance on budgeting and there will no doubt be some who can't cook in the slightest and rely on prepared and pre packaged foods, there has to be when you just look at how much supermarkets have pushed convenience foods. But I have a slight feeling that those who are already most affected by fuel and food poverty are already working miracles with what they have and there's very little benefit or solace they can take from the words of an out of touch deluded self entitled tory who probably claims more in expenses and perks a year than the whole average annual income of the people he thinks he's advising.
It has to be a campaign to destroy the satirists - no living breathing human could be that crass and not know it - its now beyond you couldn't make it up. Yet you just know next week somehow they will find something even more offensive to do, still its keeping the heat off Bozo
The only way it could get any worse is if they didn't allow people in while they were having their buffet, or god forbid... they actually used donated food to fill their cakeholes.
I must have seriously misinterpreted what the odious toad said when asked why don't the Toerags reduce VAT on electricity and gas to help the worse off.? His reply was that this would also benefit the super rich and they didn't want to be seen to be doing this. So he's refused to help 90% of the poor population because it would look bad if Richard Branson's electric bill for his mansion was also reduced. When told that the head of BP said that a windfall tax would not hamper them in any way, no problem, and that BP would still invest the same levels of money into infrastructure as they had always intended, Gove replied he didn't agree with that and the Toerags had no intention of a windfall tax which would considerably ease the suffering of millions in fuel poverty. My level of despair is matched only by my growing rage at this pathetic bunch of rich, privileged and totally incompetent excrement exits
Bit of an open goal for Michael Spicer but it still made me laugh except for the fact I had to listen to Gove again
It's ok... it's another day now. I'm sure the tories will do much better. We're doing ok so far before 9am. A potential trade war with the EU as we threaten to unilaterally do away with the NI protocol. Lee Anderson pretending he didn't say what he did yesterday.... while saying it again while blaming the media, as Victoria Atkins does contortions to agree and disagree with what he said, the govt crowing about GDP booming... by being flat in February and regressing in March and numerous environmental groups publishing a report into the lack of progress on the govts environmental plan. Can't wait to see what happens by lunch time.
The one that really worries me is this Northern Ireland stuff - Northern Ireland is by far the best performing section of the Economy, The majority of votes cast in recent elections were for parties that support the protocol and the protocal is in a treaty which Johnson specifically negotiated the border in the Irish sea. It seems either he didnt know what he was doing or knew and didnt care - I have no idea which other than he didnt care Now the AG who appears to have less grasp on Law than Marcus Schopp has on football management has declared we can legally rip it up - which even I know is not true - you cant find a competent lawyer or trade negotiator who agrees with Bravermans statement I cant begin to describe how stupid picking a fight with the EU and USA is just as we are already going into recession unless your aims are aligned with someone who benefits if the UK economy collapses and you want to force a United Ireland I do wonder if the end game of some in government is to force NI out of the UK so that solves the Irish problem as its hard to see any other justification for what they are doing