Agree with you about NI. It's still a powder keg. I was amazed how much so when I visited Belfast just before the pandemic. There's a very unsteady peace, and still actions going on which we don't hear about over here. I wouldn't be surprised if there was some higher level tory ideology of disposing of NI, Wales and Scotland to try and make England forever blue. Bit of for a party that has/had Unionist in its title. But surely that can't be an actual strategy they are willing to follow through on. And very much agree with you on Braverman. That she is still in post and hasn't resigned numerous times on principle tells you all you need to know.
Thirded on Braverman. Former chairperson of the ERG who benefited from ERASMUS while a student and took it away from future students... Whether they like it or not, the 2019 GE was won on the NIP, they voted it through in Parliament announcing it as a great deal that needed no scrutiny (IDS), lied about the Irish Sea checks (Johnson), announced to great fanfare that it met the sovereignty checks (Star Chamber), and the vast majority (over 70%) of the NI voters only last week voted for parties that support it. It might not be perfect, and will need some tweaks - but that is possible through negotiation not just kicking off a trade war during a cost of living crisis and where we still haven't implemented our checks because we aren't ready. All it would need was for France to increase the checks on the lorries entering and the M25 becomes a car park and imports become a lot more expensive... That's without suspending air travel, data adequacy or a whole heap of ways that hurt us very badly.
Amid all the right wing tupthumping, I suspect it's not realised or appreciated just how helpful the EU have been with allowing us to roll over so many agreements and still have a fair trade deal within the extremely narrow (and frankly almost impossible) framework we wished to pursue and negotiate around. I'm sure it's Truss trying to play hard ball to shore up her ridiculous Thatcher tribute act and I do wonder if any required bill would make it through the commons. It wouldn't take many tory rebels to block it, and I suspect the "one nation" wing and May's faction would be very keen to kick up a fuss.
Fourthed on Braverman. She either doesn't understand the law or wilfully ignores it. Whichever one it is she's not fit for the post.
And after Lee Andersons assertion that if you can cook properly you can eat for 30p, I'd add "Fuc*ing morons" to that list. Working class tories,,,,, the worst tories ever, and that's a very very low bar!!!