I've always thought that maybe it's "the powers that be" that are the problem in our academy. We've had dozens of "highly regarded" young uns to watch out for. But they never seem to push on through. They always end up at Grimsby Hartlepool and Accrington or just fall away completely. So ether they weren't actually that good in the first place and the people judging them weren't up to the Job. Or the coaching in our academy is unable to bring them through. Also not up to the job. A big problem ether way. In 30 years the amount of players we've brought through who have actually played 50 games for us has been dire. Always thought there was abit too much... Jobs for the boys.. about in our academy. The figures of success are quite appalling really for a well established academy.
I think our academy is probably at the standard most other clubs our size are. We've had some notable ones over past 10 years. Stones, Holgate, Bree. Add Walton, Digby, Oates and Maris to that, all who can and have had solid league 1/2 careers so far. But finding a diamond like Stones will become more and more rare, with the bigger Premier league clubs hoovering up anybody with even a smidge of potential. Hopefully Marsh, Wolfe, Jalo (who's been exceptional in the academy this season) and Flavell will all be solid footballers