I think there'll be something imminently on the changes in directors at BFC Investments Ltd - a document was filed on the system on Friday but the Hong Kong authorities haven't uploaded it for viewing yet.
I did wonder and posted in an earlier thread if the shares PMG were ‘looking after’ actually belonged to Julie and and her husband’s investment fund rather than her just being a ‘New PMG’. Think this can only be a good thing
So what is in it for Conway & Hung now? Was anything discussed, is it likely they would dispose of those shares if they received a beneficial offer? Do they want out, or are they sitting in the background as a nuisance, tho with that small amount, there's nothing they can do?
I suppose that means that she's (sorry for this) stepped up to the plate then? Did the Trust have any input from her or the hubby whilst Conway and co. were the ones ostensibly calling the shots? Just wondering whether she is up for this, or just the one out of 5 who drew the short straw.
So with the exception of Billy Beane selling his shares to Neerav Parekh, there has been no change in ownership? The change is in representation of the owners with Conway no longer representing the 20% held by other investors and, along with Chien Lee, Grace Hung and Dickson Lee they no longer sit on the board of the football club. The Quay family are now the power brokers, able to determine the future with either, Lee or Parekh and Cryne. Interesting times ahead. Let’s hope that the Cryne, Parekh, Quay pact holds together.
Julie's husband invested some money in Conway's venture. Julie's husband has got lots of money (unlike those who we were told were our owners, who haven't got much money). I'm guessing Paul Conway convinced him to invest some of his money in this thing where they buy European football clubs. Conway's argument is actually reasonable in terms of an investment opportunity. It's wrong and it's flawed, but it wasn't stupid, there was some thought put in to it. So now now Julie's husband has some shares in our club. Some shares that are pretty much worthless. But if you don't sell them, what they're worth right now doesn't really matter. He doesn't need to sell them. He's financially OK. Julie joined the board and the hope is that she's got something to offer that will improve the club as a whole, which will increase the value of the shares her husband owns. Barnsley is weird, but if you take the time to get to know it, people like it. Not the football club, the town. And the football club. So Julie keeps coming here, and she likes it. And convinces her husband to come. And he thinks, "What the hell is this place?". But he comes back. And he likes it. And it's not an investment to make money any more, it's his thing. And then we're on to something.
That’s the kind of question for 27th May rather than this evening. Answer from us currently being ‘not a lot’ and ‘who knows’.