Nothing but a filthy coward' get well soon Billy and lets hope this imbecile gets locked up and banned for life..
Now imagine we didn't have a royal family and the person with al that power was BoJo or even worse Farage. The only thing worse than the Royal family are the alternatives.
The royal family have no saying in the running of the country. No power whatsoever. Unimaginable wealth. Yes.
I think most people in this country are kept in deliberate ignorance about what exactly power is and who wields it, certainly the press ain’t gonna rock the boat- they all went to the same private schools and oxbridge colleges as the politicians and the lords and ladies of our benighted country. No, as you say they have money, and money talks for sure above anything else in our society, but it’s more then that. How much power comes from the granting of titles and patronages? Who is accountable for that? How is it decided? “we” the great unwashed are kept firmly in our place and the royal family help bar the door make no mistake about that.