We can't say that with certainty yet, that's the early estimate from the lead of Ofgem. It could well be higher. And given the issue of supply of food and elements from Ukraine, I think we'll be lucky to keep inflation pegged at 10% within a year.
Dint the bloke who's comes on TV Martin Lewis say in February that it was going up 52% in Apriland same again in October. Thought everyone knew. That's why everyones getting £200 in October
"Getting" £200 in the form of a repayable loan. And £200 isn't much - a lot of people are going to have to choose between Christmas presents for their kids and heating.
No, Martin Lewis forecast a 32% increase on the current price in October. Based on this latest Ofgem forecast I’ve just fixed at 24% above the current price.
And if you don't have a house and an energy supplier at the moment you won't get the loan. But if get one after the loan is paid to someone else you'll have to pay the loan back, even though you never got the ******* loan in the first place.
My understanding is that we don't need a energy cap,prices don't have to rise and in some European countries, prices for fuel and energy have not risen so mucj. So much for the free market,competition, blah blah blah. Individuals and companies are making a fortune out of this situation, including some MPs and their families. That's after making a fortune out of the Pandemic. Said it before, this is what the country voted for but all we get is Jubilee nonsense, Partygate,the failed war in Ukraine ,celebrity culture. The UK is truly a basket case. I await my fate of criticism.
Bi reyt, by the time winters upon us I’ll have accrued enough debt letters and final warnings to heat the house for a year
Unless I'm missing something a Windfall tax isn't nearly enough. Figures suggested are £1.2bn from a tax. There's 28m households in the UK. That's £42 each. Let's say they give it to the poorest 10% of households only. That's £428 each household. Still nowhere near enough. As I said, I might be missing something but until I see solid positive figures for a Windfall tax I'm skeptical about it being effective..
Or we could have just not done Track and Trace and given every single household £1,300 to help out. Which would have actually saved lives.
I think on those figures you need to earn 40k plus to not be in fuel poverty. Estimates are they 40% of U.K. households will be in fuel poverty by Christmas. If only we had elected the ineffectual allotment bloke who would have nationalised it rather than the pile the bodies high guy but we didn’t. So we get what we deserve. Hope the ‘but Corbyn’s’ are enjoying it as much as me.
Under Corbyn energy prices would be 1,000 times higher with food shortages so bad folk would be turning to cannibalism. Fact. Read it in the Daily Mail.
The government is picking up 5% VAT on all the extra bills. Surely they could take it down to zero as the need to charge VAT at all was down to being in the EU. Surely the minister for BREXIT opportunities, JR-M, will have identified this as such? They are also getting 20% VAT on all the petrol and diesel increases. This will easily offset the 5 pence fuel duty reduction. aren't these windfall revenue increases?