Great choice but Horny by Mark Morrison is a underrated tune as people are rightly very fond of Return Of The Mack so forget he did other songs.
Was it corrected to the wider audience or to you? There's a difference between telling the wider fanbase and telling the in the know gotta keep em sweet because they have influence fans such as the leaders of the supporters trust. Also I know you have corrected who he is on here a few times but I find it odd that the club never bothered to. Edit: actually having searched the BBS there's only two people I've ever seen say it isn't him (until others looked based on that and realised). One is you the other is SFOtyke who discovered it after speaking to the other neerav. Nobody else ever seems to have mentioned this public clarification. In fact I didn't know he'd ever spoken publicly before.
How about another then. When things were going well you, along with Paul Conway, were courting the fans at away games. You posed for photos with fans and gave out freebies. Why did that appear to stop when results went south? Was it purely Paul Conway's decision that you, as board member and shareholder, had no say in? Likewise did you not have permission to make any statements other the last few years? Was oakwell essentially a dictatorship under him?
Fans are pissed off at the way the club has been run for the last few years and at the way the owners have treated them. You were part of that ownership along with the cryne family as well as con way and Lee. What can you say to supporters to excuse how your ownership group treated them before and to convince them that with small changes to the level of shares held within the group that things will change significantly? Fans want to believe but how can you convince them?
Might have been when they came into Redfearns but Ive also read it corrected or heard it in the media. Maybe in the Chron?
I seem to think I read something when they took over that suggested his family was more wealthy than the data analytics guy but its not a question Id feel comfortable asking
Some of these responses are great. When is he leaving? Does he have a lot of money? Why didn't he correct people? on people he never said Where have you been for the last 5 years? Do they sell Strong Vodka at oakwell?
The investors have said they wouldnt put any of their own money into the club and wouldn't inject any further cash, in fact during covid you asked supporters to donate cash to keep the club going without doing so yourself as an ownership group. With that in mind what is the benefit to Barnsley football club of you and other unnamed investors owning the club rather than a collection of local businessmen and women who could just as easily invest nothing in the club?
I'm interested in how much money he has because I want to know if he is capable of and willing to bridge any financial holes we may currently be in. That ok with you Hemsworth?
It’s a fair question but shouldn’t we be asking about the ability of the group to do this as opposed to an individual? Dont think he is the major shareholder so if one individual was to do so you would more likely be from the Investor group.
I guess that's also the thing I'd like to find out. I'd be surprised if the Quaye investment group, Chien Lee or PMG are willing to put any money in to address infrastructure or debt problems. Parekh seems to be a lot more attached to the club itself. I assume that there's nothing stopping him putting money in himself. I don't want shedloads pouring in but I don't think any of us would object to a few million to make the reset needed a bit shorter and easier.
Would have thought the only way he would do that though is either through a loan or share transfer, which would need the shareholders to agree, so even if he was willing he may not be able to. Like say fair question though as it would show intention.
Yeah, you could be right about any cash injection. It will certainly be interesting to see what he has to say.
Are the owners willing to inject their own capital in to the club to ensure the sustainability of Barnsley FC? and if so will this be equity or debt? If not does he think that administration is a possibility in the next 18 months?
if its all about correcting fans on their mistakes and opinions then all he has to do is join the BBS and then it would become a full time job. Just ask Loko.
Can we have a frank overview on the state of finances at the club, and is this summer likely to involve a number of outgoings to plug any gaps in revenue caused by relegation? also (Assuming we don’t have a manager announcement today) Over the last 5 years, we have had very different outcomes from our head coach appointments. Stendel, Struber, Ismael all successful in their first seasons with us. Schopp and Asbahgi not so, but according to reports we could have had Asbaghi instead of Struber or Ismael. How are the club ensuring we get an Ismael and not a Schopp this time round.