There is a lot on the news, presently, about Liverpool’s previous European Cup wins which prompted me to tell some folk, at work yesterday, that I had seen Emlyn Hughes play for Wombwell Town around the early 90s. Nobody believed me and someone googled it and found no record of it which made me look a bit daft. But he definitely did. I remember his first game really well. Look North and Calendar were there, a big crowd. And even for those too young to remember him captaining Liverpool and England, he was still a ‘celeb’ for being a team captain in Question Of Sport. I know I didn’t dream it. But can anyone back me up on this?
He did play for Wombwell Town. His son played with under 18s with us as well when I played for them (I was only 15 at the time)
I once went with my dad to watch Rotherham play QPR when we didnt have a game and Hughes was Rotherham player/manager. How he loved a pass back to the keeper.
Paul is my cousin too. He is playing cricket for Wombwell Main this season, with my nephew, Thomas. My brother is their scorer.
Bet me to reminded me of the old gag ....whereby shankley had put a ban on beer being drunk in the dressing room due to it causing weight gain ...he walked into the dressing room one morning after training and caught 1/2 dozen of the first team with their shorts round their ankles and a beer in each hand Emlyn hughes on all fours on the dressing room table with Phil Neal about to enter him I told you no beer shouted shankly We're not drinking beer boss was the answer ...We're F**kin Hemelin (g)
What disappointed me about Emelyn is he seemed very arrogant and full of himself, on the Bbc Match of the 70s series. Hosted of course, by the late Dennis Waterman.