Was having same conversation other day. He left us after a successful play off season. Joined Forest, took all our top staff and they went from bottom to the PL enchanted land. Cooincidence?!? We've got our arses spanked and relegated with can only be described as a sH17 show of leadership.
Easiest decision in the world he had to make. Employ the manager who schooled his former club in the play-offs. He didn’t go rooting about in the Austrian second division for a replacement.
Didn’t he? He didn’t exactly strain himself trying to retain Danes’s services. He ought have tied him to a new contract around January/February time when our Championship status for another season was assured.
He didn't jump ship for Forest though. Conway decided not to renew his contract, allegedly. FIVE months before he left. The rest of the board voted against that. They thought he was the best thing to happen at Barnsley for a long time but he also stood up to Mr Conway and of course, he didn't like it. For instance, he blocked a move for Oulare (as did the recruitment team) in January and opted for Dike. All that time to find a CEO, when we didn't need to, and yet PC takes a paid role at the club and we follow up a top 5 finish with relegation.
Probably a daft question but if it was just Conway who holds little to no shares and all the other board members opposed couldn’t they have outvoted him?
Smells like the truth that. Good luck to Dane, we can only live & hopefully learn. One thing is for sure. Conway has gone.
At that time Conway was spokesperson for the unknown investors holding 20% of the club, so he and Chien between them acted for a majority shareholding and Conway was able to overrule Parek and the Crynes. Things only changed when the investors for whom Conway was acting realised what a mess he was making and dumped him. They then changed sides so now they, Parek and the Crynes between them hold the majority.
It's like one of us going for a job interview in a new discipline. Somehow we wing it to get said job and then we're just absolutely fuckiing useless at it. This is Paul Conway all over. Despite 6 odd years at being involved in football, he's getting worse with each passing season and doesn't seem to have a ******* clue what he's doing. I despise the ******.
Is all of this true or conjecture? I ask cos both the club and Oulare said he turned us down in January.
Chien Lee owns 30percent of the Club. Paul Conway brought him in. Paul Conway also brought in Neerav and the investors who eventually decided to be represented by Julie Ann Quay. Chien Lee is of a very different culture and has difficulty in communicating. Paul Conway is definately a bad fit for our world. So pleased that he is not involved. Maybe Neerav and James will get closer to Chien Lee going forward and get to know how he feels about his investment. Maybe he shouldn't be judged as similar to Paul Conway just yet. Just musing along, here...
i don't know, but i thought he was chiese and spent most of his life there.. here is his wiki.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chien_Lee got an asian marketing ring to it.... bit of Grace Hung, I guess.
Tend to believe Gally's version of events. But let's suppose for a minute what he's been told isn't exactly what happened. And let's dilute Dane's influence on our play-off season and Forest's promotion. Even then, even if we pretend like Dane had no positive impact on either club, and we believe he walked rather than being pushed, you've still got to ask the question why, having known his contract end date from the day he signed up , we didn't have a new CEO starting on the Monday as Dane left on the Friday. We had all season to plan for it. It's rank incompetence on an epic scale, exacerbated by the self delusion of a minor share holder that he was capable of doing the job himself.
I get a warmer vibe from Chien Lee and the way he comes across in his interviews too. I've mentioned it loads of times but he isn't against investing in the areas needed.