Good to meet you today buddy. Regardless of any mitigating circumstances we must do much better in future and any criticism will be taken on board in order to achieve that. Edit - The press conference in full should now be on ifollow and YouTube etc.
What a let down be glad when early bird has **** as any last temptation will be gone. Still can’t get past the majority shareholders are the two who drove the club into the direct shambles it is. Moving them/voting them off the board and extending the early bird for me was a strategy not a boardroom overhaul. I will be interested to see how full/empty the stands are as I can’t believe we have sold 6000 ST
I I thought I said lack of development, that is virtually nothing spent on it in 20 yrs by the owners
On the communication issues did anyone see the French press conference on Sky Sports regarding the Champions League final . You couldn’t hear a single question asked and then the Sky interpreters link went down , these things happen to the best
It's difficult to argue with any of that. It's not easy to say it because it's directing criticism at people I don't really like directing it at. I don't mind calling a footballer being paid 5 grand a week "crap" when he's clearly playing crap. Part of the money thry're paid is to accept a reasonable level of criticism. I don't mind saying pretty much anything I like about rich people buying the club and hoping to profit from it, then making a monumental balls up. But normal people getting a normal wage... But you're not wrong in anything you say.
not quite sure why the presser is coming in for such criticism. personally thought the questions and responses were all fair enough. they sat there and patiently answered every question put to them. I don't think they sugar-coated anything. I'm not sure what new ground-breaking insight or announcements people were expecting. the situation is what it is.
I'll just add to what I said earlier given I've just watched the full video in its entirety. The sound on this version is just fine on it. I can hear the interviewers, I can hear every respondent, good god, I can even hear a squeaky table or chair in the mix of it all. I've got no issues with the sound at all, and as such, and given the whole thing is available start to finish and as a result it gives a much better feel and authenticity. If this had just been uploaded now without any mention of it being live streamed, I'd be perfectly happy with it. I know fans often ask for things to be live streamed, and I'd generally be one of them. But I think if we aren't able to reach a certain level of quality and ensure something delivers what it's supposed to, we need to be brave as a club and say no, we're not doing that, it's not good enough every single time. Aside from the production, my thoughts haven't changed a great deal. I feel sorry for Jean and it's clearly an emotive thing for her, and no doubt her son too. I still think Neerav comes across as a decent guy, speaks fairly well though I suspect he'd be happier away from being the figurehead, but needs must. And El Ahmad... well, he's who he is. One thing I did think a little after I'd made that first post. One of, or all of Parekh, James and Jean Cryne decided to do something really ballsy and take out Chien Lee and Paul Conway from operational involvement at the club. That takes guts, maybe a little desperation, but also confidence and a steeliness that none of those people portray to the media when interviewed. So maybe when they see things that aren't good enough, they will say, call it to task, introduce safeguards and control mechanisms to monitor and ensure its delivered better and to a standard. But I'm not 100% sure as yet, and we'll just have to assess them and judge them over time.
Agree with all of this. The full conference as now presented is perfectly fine and proves that there was nothing wrong with the media team's recording of it. That said I am inclined and willing to believe that the live stream was disrupted by factors beyond their control
Whenever I hear the CEO he just mutters ! Does anyone else think he's winging it ? As a the voice of the club he's very amateurish.
I logged on earlier today when people were posting about problems with the live feed. As such, I didn't bother tuning in. However, I have just listened to the recorded version and it is fine; clear and professional. I'm not sure why so many people are so angry over the gremlins in the live version. S##T happens!
My opinion after listening James, meh. No offence but meh. Not really a businessman, not really a football man, a nice guy who likes a spreadsheet and happens to have inherited part of his dad's business Jean. A Barnsley fan who cares for the club but doesn't seem to be a businesswoman. Obviously very emotional but, and I know this might sound harsh, owned the club for a decade with Patrick and did nothing to improve it. Has half owned the stadium for over 15 years and let it go to rack and ruin (I've probably got those words wrong) Neerav seems a nice guy, seems to make wise investment choices for his family. Does he know how to run a business though or does he just invest in them? What are his football credentials? Khaled. Abysmal Technical issues. **** and more so because we know how often they happen at Barnsley but taking today in isolation it could happen to anyone anywhere any time. It's happened to Apple, Microsoft and all the big companies. Higgy. Bellend who will only ever get a job when the town of Hemsworth advertises for a village idiot.
If it was up to me he’d have been removed from the club just like Lee and Conway. The guy is so dreadful at his job it’s beyond embarrassing. It still seems strange to me he was even hired in the first place for the CEO role, he’s only ever been a scout before coming here.
I’ve no idea if you do this anyway, but might be worth considering hiring external people for events like this. I know from experience things can go wrong very quickly. I’m sure you could even hire premises that have miles better technical capability than Oakwell does for the afternoon and do it from there. The extra expense may be money well spent if it improves presentation to fans.
He isnt good enough, considering we are severely lacking any football knowledge within the boardroom we really need a competent CEO to guide the ship. He's failed miserably so far but hasn't really been held to account by relevant people.
I think we are pretty satisfied with the production this afternoon, as its own standalone piece that we usually produce. The actual press conference video that’s online. But technical gremlins affected the separate live stream that took about 10 minutes to resolve. Until we can better understand that process and thus deliver it more effectively, we’ll stick to the tried and tested.
So did the club decide against extending the deadline to extend the £8 discount due to the club deciding not to bother showing fans what they could order? It was asked last Friday but not seen any update either way?
I'm confused. James wasn't part of it today. How did do you come to your opinion? You understand that it's actually a computer model based on big data rather than an actual spreadsheet, right? Something that he designed, built and manages. How much experience and knowledge do you think growing up in a family that owned a football club gave him? I'm not sure how long ago the model was first conceived and v1 came into existence but it was years before the takeover. How long does he need to be involved in football, on a day to day basis to become a football man? As for business, last time I checked he was a Director of multiple companies, aside from the BFC related ones. When does he become a businessman in your highly experienced eyes? Is this more of the green-eyed monster at play here? It sounds like it to me when you step back and look at reality.
James Cryne wasn't part of the press conference today. The person on the left hand side of the table was Andrew Clark, but I don't recall him responding to any of the queries.
You get that they aren’t the majority shareholders any more right? (Sorry didn’t seem clear from your post) Also I can assure you its not a strategy. The board room has been broken/split for a couple of years and this outcome is something Neerav/ The Crynes have been exploring for some time. I get why some folk aren’t prepared to Trust this though so not having a pop or anything.
Yeah maybe pre recording then uploading to YouTube after for us to watch. Just a shame when you put the effort in and it doesn’t come off. I’m sure you’re as frustrated as anyone.