A great 70 years of tax dodging and racism. Hopefully when she finally pops her clogs we get rid of the lot.
Unfortunately with the way this country is being run, the chaos after Brexit, the behaviour of certain royals and the current financial situation for millions of families, there is absolutely zero anything to make me feel patriotic at the moment. Thanks for the bank holidays, though...
Welling up here lads and lasses. I've had my right arm in a constant salute all day, meaning I've had to use my left arm only to put up 300m of bunting and sculpt an effigy of her Maj out of marzipan. My voice is hoarse from belting out God Save the Queen for the past 7 hours. I've been in my Union Jack suit and matching loafers for the whole week, which are a bit fragrant now. I've keyed a few cars still bearing the flag of the unelected EU bureaucrats. But it's all worth it to honour someone who's lived a long life of luxury at our expense and the defender of ̶a̶ ̶n̶o̶n̶c̶e̶y̶ ̶s̶o̶n̶ the great British faith, Christianity
In other news, just received my £8 discount offer on 2022/23 replica shirt (having renewed of course)! I just love my hometown club, I have an inherent dedication and loyalty to it. Much like my children it gives me great joy and pain in equal measures. UP THE REDS!!
No you haven't the code ran out at midnight....... https://www.barnsleyfc.co.uk/news/2022/april/money-off-2223-replica-shirts/
Everyone I've met from the military has been borderline fetishistic when it comes to the royals. One even had a portrait of the Queen on the wall in the living room. Really weird.