James has inherited part of his dads business? When you have a business it makes you money the goal is to make a profit from the said business. Barnsley fc doesnt and has very rarely made a profit over the past 20 years. If i wanted to start a new business id stay as far away from football clubs as possible. Not many owners bought clubs thinking im going to make some serious money here.
I didn't hear it mentioned either that the offer has been extended until we've seen all three replica kits or that an extension won't be happening. Maybe they forgot? Making people pay £40 for something they haven't seen would be poor.
I've renewed but not received a discount code yet, so hopefully some extension. There'll also be people that have bought today and the club won't have had time to send out codes to them yet too.
No green eyed monster, I've said quite a few times that from what I've heard he's a really nice man who conducts himself well.when his dad passed away I posted that his greatest legacy is James and the way he had brought him up. I'm certainly not jealous of him. Actually I'm not an idiot or a liar, I wouldn't mind his wealth. But give me the choice between being rich and having to say goodbye to my dad at such a young age and being working class but having so many extra memories and I know who's luckier. I'm possibly being harsh on his business skills it's just that we never really see or hear anything about them do we Neerav may also run businesses but I don't know that either. The meh was about his business skills as a vital board member not about him as a person.
Sorry I didn't really explain it properly. I meant today here's my view of them all rather than here's my view of them all based in today.
With hindsight though I think James Cryne should have been there instead of or supporting his mother ,
I was reasonably pleased with the content. Nareev appears to be honest and straight, for example it was good that he didn't try to sugar coat there'll be departures. But Jean's involvement is key for me. Her love for the club and desire to protect Patrick's legacy was pretty evident. It wasn't polished and I think their preparation should have been better e.g. questions about how many applied for the head coach role, how many have been interviewed etc aren't unusual and Khaled should have been prepared for them imo and Jean mentioning that they have improvement plans but she couldn't give any further information on any of them was disappointing. They've known about this press conference for some time and missed an opportunity to have got a couple of improvements in place to illustrate that change is happening. Nevertheless, I'm influenced by Jean in particular and prepared to give them the opportunity to back up their words with actions. I wasn't renewing so somewhat to my surprise I've just done so for my son and I. I hope they don't betray my trust.......
The current board made up of Neerav/The Crynes and the New York investors headed by Julie Anne Quay have a combined 61.25% shareholding giving them majority and kicking Lee/Conway off the board hence they don’t have any influence going forward. (Conway reduced to only 7.5%) This was a hostile board room coup rather than some sort of trickery to fool fans.
Any chance you could post that onto every thread once every 15 minutes? Plus instagram, facebook and twitter.
A further thought on the event and the elephant in the room. The court case. The question was asked what was going on with it and when it may conclude. I can fully understand that a live case wouldn't be commented on. It wasn't commented on. The case as I'm aware is the Crynes company against the HK investment company, of which they also have a stake. Given the responses, it would seem very much a continued issue and it's somewhat concerning that given the realignment of the board, this issue is still there. It may be that a simple majority is insufficient to vote through an agreement (finding some money to pay to the Crynes) meaning Conway and Lee still have a block, or that the new BFC board members, also shareholders of BFC Investments, also have the same stance as Conway and Lee. I hope it's the former. The latter may contribute to further fractures somewhere down the line.
Also worth emphasising that at no point has Conway owned more than 7.5% (a £750k investment). For all the influence he exerted he was totally dependent on the support of Chien Lee and the 20% investors now represented by JAQ.
Fair comment, but I don't believe Jean would have joined the current board unless she was confident of the investors' position ongoing.
In her own words.... "She'd got to" (re joining the board). My initial instinct was that the court case would naturally be resolved amicably now, but I didn't get that feeling from the press conference at all.
He probably doesn't own 7.5% I would imagine he's still the representative of a small number of investors whose combined total of shares amounts to 7.5% Grace Hung being one such investor
Not a business man but if I have a pie with my mates we cut it up I have 31% and the next biggest is 21% I don’t have the biggest piece?